精華區beta FreeBSD 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://bbs.ee.ntu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/bbs2html_cgi?boards/BSD/D.843381019.A/M.878098 383.A+a1ba20b4ab6d61696c6572c56f202d2d20b2d7b5b2a4a4a4e5b6c3bd58ab67ac502e ◇ 換mailer囉 -- 終結中文亂碼剋星. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -發信人: [email protected] (蕭永慶), 看板: Linux 標 題: 換mailer囉 -- 終結中文亂碼剋星. 發信站: National Taiwan Univerity (Wed Oct 29 03:50:11 1997) 轉信站: fromzero!netnews.ntu!cc.ntu!not-for-mail 你們還在用elm 嗎? pine 嗎? 看看 mutt的 faq, 然後裝裝看吧. netnews上有人的簽名檔說: elm is dead, long live mutt! faq: www.math.fu-berlin.de/~leitner/mutt/faq.html 國內不知道哪裡有, debian應該在alpha目錄下. 直接搞定: Quotted Printable (含subject line), Base64 Encoding. 內建MIME message handling, 不用另外配合metamail. 大小, 在相同的compiler optimization option下, -rwxr-xr-x 1 yhsiao 4582 435315 Sep 6 15:37 bin/elm -rwxr-x--x 1 yhsiao 4582 316436 Oct 27 19:15 bin/mutt 變數: set allow_8bit 搞定中文 (iso-8859-1) set charset=big5 搞定explorer. set charset=cn-big5 符合RFC. (甚至不同人可以設不同的charset, 用hook.) + 可以設成按鍵與elm/pine 相容. + threading 如果你有參加mailing list, mutt可以告訴你哪些信是寫給你, 那些是list server forward過來的. 另外, 建議用slang來compile mutt, 不要用ncurses. slang是jed 的引擎. 他是個語言, 不過好像是內建處理 terminal 的能力. --------------------- 引用FAQ: Q: I'm an average user. Why should I switch to Mutt? A: The top two reasons to switch are color support and threading. [deleted] Q: I'm an experienced user. Why should I switch to Mutt? A: Besides color and threading, + arbitrary key remapping + tons of options. You can customize almost everything. + 8-bit clean, uses Locales, + a wonderful MIME implementation. + Mutt boasts PGP/MIME support as well! + open a web browser with an URL from the mail body. Q: I'm the admin. Why should I install Mutt? A: + Because you'll love it! + Admins often have to handle large mail volumes. Mutt is small, so it won't take long to start up. + Mutt comes with a GNU autoconf "configure" script + Your users will love Mutt. + If you mount your mail spool directory via NFS, you will be delighted to hear that Mutt actually does locking the right way! 以下是部份.muttrc內容, 參考參考. set allow_8bit # Don't do any Quoted-Printable encoding on 8-bit data! set charset=big5 set editor=vim bind compose '\r' send-message alternates yhsiao@*.cae.wisc.edu [email protected] [email protected] yhsiao@cae .wisc.edu folder-hook +big5 'set charset="big5"' save-hook mutt-announce@ +mutt save-hook kde +kde send-hook mutt-(users|dev)@ 'set remote_sig=~/.sig.mutt' source ~/.aliases # aliases 格式: # alias name [email protected] (Last_name; M.F, 中文) -- Regards, PGP Key fingerprint Yung-Ching Hsiao EBCD FCD0 AB43 845F E-mail: cae.wisc.edu!yhsiao 1D7B 2E3C 2641 721A