精華區beta FreeBSD 關於我們 聯絡資訊
《 在 [email protected] (特洛的夢中世界) 的大作中提到: 》 : 我想把我真實IP的 udp tcp 的 6901 PORT都轉到 : 的虛擬IP的 udp tcp 的 6901 PORT 那我該怎麼做呢? : 我用 : natd -redirect_port tcp 202.145.xx.xx:6901 : natd -redirect_port udp 202.145.xx.xx:6901 : 都會出現 : natd: aliasing address not given 正確寫法應該是 natd -redirect_port tcp 6901 natd -redirect_port udp 6901 : 請問這世匙麼問題呢? : 我的狀況是 : vr0對外 : rl0對內 : 只有一個真實IP man natd -redirect_port proto targetIP:targetPORT[-targetPORT] [aliasIP:]aliasPORT[-aliasPORT] [remoteIP[:remotePORT[-remotePORT]]] Redirect incoming connections arriving to given port(s) to another host and port(s). Argument proto is either tcp or udp, targetIP is the desired target IP number, targetPORT is the desired target port number or range, aliasPORT is the requested port number or range, and aliasIP is the aliasing address. Arguments remoteIP and remotePORT can be used to specify the connection more accurately if necessary. The targetPORT range and aliasPORT range need not be the same numerically, but must have the same size. If remotePORT is not specified, it is assumed to be all ports. If remotePORT is specified, it must match the size of targetPORT, or be 0 (all ports). For example, the argument tcp inside1:telnet 6666 means that incoming TCP packets destined for port 6666 on this machine will be sent to the telnet port on the inside1 machine. tcp inside2:2300-2399 3300-3399 will redirect incoming connections on ports 3300-3399 to host inside2, ports 2300-2399. The mapping is 1:1 meaning port 3300 maps to 2300, 3301 maps to 2301, etc. -- ※ 來源:‧蛋捲廣場 bbs.tku.edu.tw‧[FROM:]