精華區beta GLAY 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Message from TAKURO myspace Hi it's me Takuro! ---->忍不住想吐槽又是IT"S ME I'm happy to report that all tickets for our upcoming concert in Taiwan have sold out. We announced the concert just one week ago, and I was surprised how quicky the tickets went. I heard that people were lining up in front of the live house days before the tickets went on sale. It's great to be so appreciated and loved. Thank you so much! We're all really excited about playing in front of our Taiwanese fans. Bassist Jiro made the set list for the show, and showed it to us a few days ago. It's a killer set list! I think we're all going to have a really good time that night. I can't say this enough, but thank you once again for all of the love, support, donations, etc. You have sent to Japan these past two months. The Taiwanese people have been paticularly supportive of the relief efforts in Japan. We really appreciate it, and our concert will be one small way of showing our thanks. So waht songs do you guys want to hear? There is still time to change. 大家快快去告訴takuro想聽些什麼歌曲吧:D -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
glayhisasa:有時還真不太會用BBS 編輯找不到 冏 05/11 02:10
lovemika:大寫E 05/11 02:12
※ 編輯: glayhisasa 來自: (05/11 02:18)
glayhisasa:感謝!! 05/11 02:18
jpteru:剛找了一下 來源是myspace 05/11 02:22
※ 編輯: glayhisasa 來自: (05/11 02:31)
duelequartzs:message 不是massege..... 05/11 07:43
※ 編輯: glayhisasa 來自: (05/11 08:25)
glayhisasa:其實我本來打對又改掉XD 昨晚上熬夜太混亂了~"~ 05/11 08:26
teru68:推 原PO好忙 辛苦了 05/11 08:57
onetwo01:老大也好感人啊..嗚嗚 05/11 09:04
edd55:It's a killer set list!!!!好期待啊~感謝原po 05/11 10:11
shalu:由老大來講出這句話 超令人期待 難得兩人想法會一致 XD 05/11 10:17
Ilovehanes:怎麼有種感覺是因為捐款讓他們來的XD 05/11 10:17
glayhisasa:我朋友也這樣說 昨天吃飯聊到 結果晚上老大就看到這篇 05/11 10:23
onetwo01:我覺得台灣的捐款事蹟算是讓他們下定決心立刻辦的關鍵吧 05/11 10:31
hashine:好感動~~ 05/11 10:32
Ilovehanes:就算是感謝台灣也不錯呀^^~ 台日繼續友好吧XD 05/11 12:56
tc021323:也有可能因為震災感到生命無常~所以想做的事應該趕快去做 05/11 13:18
tc021323:哈~自以為XD 05/11 13:18
evelyn0559:想聽的歌實在太多,不如請他們下次再來XD 05/11 15:32
amelialing:推樓上 05/11 16:26
yunfaye:我全部的歌都想聽...我想聽四子每個人都唱到一首歌~ 05/11 18:18
yunfaye:可以給他們myspace的網址嗎...其實我超想聽南東風 05/11 18:19
camelki:http://www.myspace.com/glayofficial 05/11 18:53
tc021323:http://www.myspace.com/glayofficial/blog 留言在這 05/11 19:11
Lingn:本來就是準備要來的吧!往前面找板上有爆掛。 05/11 20:06
SPEEDPOP:It's a killer set list!! 好期待!!! 05/11 23:43
Seki:不過這次真的算是獨厚台灣歌迷耶,我排隊買票時還遇到香港僑 05/12 10:03
Seki:生幫她香港的朋友排隊買票說 05/12 10:04