精華區beta GMAT 關於我們 聯絡資訊
因為我對正解的選項沒有疑惑 所以就不PO題了(實在很長) 我只是想請問對一個錯誤選項的理解方式 在錯誤選項(E)中 Because up to five percent of a car's fuel are wasted through ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the increase in car-road friction when the tires are underinflated, car owners properly inflating tires can substantially boost... 白勇的解釋說 half / some /...percent / part /plenty + of + N + V V的單複數由N決定 所以應為 Because up to five percent of a car's fuel is wasted ^^^^ 但我想請教這裡有沒有雙重所有格的問題呢 five percent OF a car'S fuel 還是這裡的of其實是慣用語的一部份?? 感謝大家啦!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
dodohuang:這題沒有雙重所有格的問題喔 如果是 five percent of 09/16 12:29
dodohuang:fuel of a car's 就有這個問題了! 09/16 12:30
waterdrop:謝謝^^ 09/16 13:24