精華區beta GMAT 關於我們 聯絡資訊
#1 Although a surge in retail sales has raised hopes that a recovery is finally underway, many economists say that (without a large amount of spending the recovery might not last.) #5 As its sales of computer products have surpassed those of measuring instruments, the company has become increasingly willing to compete for the mass market sales (it would in the past have conceded to rivals.) 請問: 1.#1括號處是否為與現在事實相反之假設? 若是,則代表事實為有a large amount of spending,且recovery會last,如此一來, 配合句子一開頭具有轉折語氣的although下去唸,不會怪怪的嗎? 感覺上,若配合although所帶出的附屬子句,主要子句的部分,應該陳述對景氣復甦 持續與否有所不確定性才對。 若不是與現在事實相反之假設,那這種用法又是什麼? 2.#5括號處是否為與過去事實相反之假設? 若是,則代表事實為這家公司在過去並未將mass market sales讓給競爭對手,搭配前 面the company has become increasingly willing to compete for the mass market sales唸起來,不會怪怪的嗎?既然之前沒有讓給競爭對手,何來become increasingly willing to compete的問題呢? 感覺上,括號處應該陳述過去曾讓給競爭對手的事實才對。 若不是與現在事實相反之假設,那這種用法又是什麼? 以上是我的問題。 不好意思,我假設語氣有點差,還請大家多多幫忙!!!感激不盡!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: RedPiano 來自: (03/07 01:10) ※ 編輯: RedPiano 來自: (03/07 01:11)
SCAR1104:我覺得第五題表達的是他過去沒辦法贏那間公司 所以選擇讓 03/07 02:34
SCAR1104:步 而他現在已經在某個地方勝過對方 所以希望可以在之前 03/07 02:34
SCAR1104:讓步的地方贏過對方 03/07 02:35
gluo:#1我自己的解讀是 經濟學家認為:若不是花了大量的錢 03/12 15:28
gluo:recovery可能無法持續下去 03/12 15:28