精華區beta GMAT 關於我們 聯絡資訊
94. When 100 people who have not used cocaine are tested for cocaine use, on average only 5 will test positive. By contrast, of every 100 people who have used cocaine 99 will test positive. Thus, when a randomly chosen group of people is tested for cocaine use, the vast people is tested for cocaine use, the vast majority of those who test positive will be people who have used cocaine. A reasoning error in the argument is that the argument (A) attempts to infer a value judgement from purely factual premises (B) attributes to every member of the population the properties of the average member of the population (C) fails to take into account what proportion of the population have used cocaine (D) ignores the fact that some cocaine users do not test positive (E) advocates testing people for cocaine use when there is no reason to suspect that they have used cocaine -------------------------------- 我知道GMAT很喜歡考百分比跟實際value之間的關係還有類比 但是這一題的綠色部分我就是看不大懂(汗) 此外,這樣的話的答案應該是(A)對嗎? 希望有版友能夠幫我給我一些意見 謝謝!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
flac:A應該是說該argument隱含著價值判斷 應該不是A才對 08/24 22:08
flac:我認為答案可能是C 因為他所得的結果不能去延伸推斷全部人口 08/24 22:09
flac:有多少比例吸食古柯鹼 除非這實驗有針對不同人口統計變數 08/24 22:09
flac:進行全面性地隨機抽樣 08/24 22:10
pennymany:感謝樓上的詳細解答!答案是(C)~謝謝 :) 08/25 18:50