精華區beta GMAT 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《smallwei12 (如果不要有那天)》之銘言: : p74#17. : A certain disability plan pays monthly benefits of 60 perecnt of the first : $2000 of monthly salary plus 40 percent of any portion in excees $2000-the : total monthly benefit not to exceed $2500. What is the smallest monthly salary : that will yield the maximum monthly benefit under this plan? : (A)$5750 : *[0;31m(B)$5250 : (C)$4500 : (D)$3250 : (E)$2200 題目說明了每個月的benefit為: 2000*0.6 + (portion in excess $2000)*0.4 <= 2500 (benefit not to exceed $2500; 不超過就是小於等於的意思嗎? @@) ->1200 + (portion in excess $2000)*0.4 <= 2500 portion in excess $2000= $3250 所以salary = $2000 + $3250 = $5250 (B) 這題我算了兩次,跟下午的GWD一樣,我兩次算出來的答案一個是(B),一個是(D) 因為我忍不住就把式子列成: 1200 + (salary-2000)*0.4 <= 2500 (唉,我還是不懂為什麼這樣不行;我再考慮考慮...) : #18. : A cubical tank is filled with water to a level of 2 feet. If the waterin the : tank occupies 18 cubic feet, to what fraction of its capacity is the tank : filled with water? : (A)1/9 : (B)2/9 : (C)1/3 : (D)1/2 : *[0;31m(E)2/3 不好意思我看題目看到頭暈...幫不了你... : #19. : For any number x ,「x」 denotes the least non-negative number y such that : x+y is an integer. What is the value of 8.4 - 「8.4」? : (A)-0.4 : (B)0 : (C)0.6 : *[0;31m(D)7.8 : (E)8.0 我想這題比較難懂的地方, 應該是"the least non-negative number such that x+y is an integer"吧: 「8.4」= 某個加上8.4之後會成為整數的數字的最小值非負數 = 0.6 所以8.4 - 「8.4」= 8.4 - 0.6 = 7.8 (D) : 請各位幫忙,謝謝各位!!小弟感激不盡(詳解&翻譯)~~謝謝●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦● : ≧≦ : =◆◆= ◢▓◣ : ▕mmmm▏ │⊕⊕│ : ╭)◥◣◢◤(╮ │\-/│ : ║▏ ◥◤ ▕║ ╭|◎ ◎|╮ : ║ ████ ║ ║◥▓▓◤║ : ●▏ ▕● ▼ ███ ▼ : ▔▆▔▆▔ ║║ : █ █ ▉▉ : ▆▆ ▆▆ ◢ ◣ : ●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦● -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: a1985526 來自: (11/01 22:21) ※ 編輯: a1985526 來自: (11/01 22:24)
smallwei12:謝謝你!!第一提跟第三題我都有懂!!太感恩了^^ 11/01 22:38