精華區beta GMAT 關於我們 聯絡資訊
p74#17. A certain disability plan pays monthly benefits of 60 perecnt of the first $2000 of monthly salary plus 40 percent of any portion in excees $2000-the total monthly benefit not to exceed $2500. What is the smallest monthly salary that will yield the maximum monthly benefit under this plan? (A)$5750 *[0;31m(B)$5250 (C)$4500 (D)$3250 (E)$2200 #18. A cubical tank is filled with water to a level of 2 feet. If the waterin the tank occupies 18 cubic feet, to what fraction of its capacity is the tank filled with water? (A)1/9 (B)2/9 (C)1/3 (D)1/2 *[0;31m(E)2/3 #19. For any number x ,「x」 denotes the least non-negative number y such that x+y is an integer. What is the value of 8.4 - 「8.4」? (A)-0.4 (B)0 (C)0.6 *[0;31m(D)7.8 (E)8.0 請各位幫忙,謝謝各位!!小弟感激不盡(詳解&翻譯)~~謝謝●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦● ≧≦ =◆◆= ◢▓◣ ▕mmmm▏ ⊕⊕ ╭)◥◣◢◤(╮ │\-/│ ║▏ ◥◤ ▕║ ╭|◎ ◎|╮ ████ ◥▓▓◤ ●▏ ▕● ▼ ███ ▼ ▔▆▔▆▔ ║║ █ █ ▉▉ ▆▆ ▆▆ ◢ ◣ ●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦●謝啦● -- www.wretch.cc/album/b9301035 我的相簿~歡迎大家來看看 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
smallwei12:第一題答案(B) 第二題答案(E)第三題答案(D) 11/01 21:50