精華區beta GMAT 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Q12: If n is an integer and 2 < n < 6, what is the value of n? (1) n is a factor of 15. (2) n is a factor of 21. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Answer: B Q18:它的圖我沒辦法貼@@ The figure shows a square patio surrounded by a walkway of width x meters. If the area of the walkway is 132 square meters and the width of the patio is 5 meters greater than the width of the walkway, what is the area of the patio, in square meters? A. 56 B. 64 C. 68 D. 81 E. 100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Answer: B patio-天井;露臺 Q21: When Leo imported a certain item, he made a 7 percent import tax on the portion of the total value of the item in excess of $1,000. If the amount of the import tax that Leo paid was $87.50, what was the total value of the item? A. $1,600 B. $1,850 C. $2,250 D. $2,400 E. $2,750 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Answer: C Q27: If n = 8^11 – 8, what is the units digit of n? A. 0 B. 1 C. 4 D. 6 E. 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Answer: C 8^1=8 8^2=64 8^3=512 8^4=4096 8^5=32768 8^6=262144 由上可知次方1~4唯一4循環,所以11÷4=…..3 所以811餘2再減8, n = 811 – 8所得餘6選(D) 算的跟題目答案不同 歡迎大家一起討論^^..感謝~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: chilis 來自: (09/02 20:14)
flac:Q12. (1)n為3,5-->不滿足 (2)n為3--->滿足 所以為B 09/02 20:18
flac:Q21. 超過1000元要征收0.07的稅 故(87.5/0.07)+不課稅的1000 09/02 20:20
flac:Q27 如你所述 4循環 餘3 所以8^11個位數是2 扣掉8 個位數為4 09/02 20:26