精華區beta GMAT 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Q49 V28 TOTAL 650 是個差強人意的分數 不過不打算再考了 回想10月的一戰 Q32 V15 TOTAL 410(真的很丟臉...板上還有人比我低嗎??!!) 當初看到螢幕上的分數 我下巴都快掉下來 心裡想說我可能要自己辦所學校才有地方念了..... 一戰準備倉卒做題也沒計時 導致1/3的題目沒做完  準備二戰的時間 扣除中間出差兩個禮拜 約一個半月 利用下班時間唸   教材有: OG橘本(重做一遍),PP1+PP2破解VERBAL部分,OQ,RC機經 MATH:以KFC為主,考前練過幾次PP測驗 VERBAL:OG做完做PP破解,考前看一次RC機經 心得:機經很重要 OQJJ我做到390題 約碰到10多題 閱讀碰到三篇 因為來不及用GWD練習PACE,我做題速度又慢,考前只有一個挫字能形容 結果今天做VERBAL非常趕 後面10幾題已經慌了有點亂選 最後剩4題沒做完 以下是一點點JJ分享,大家加油! AA: The following appeared in the editorial section of a campus newspaper. “Because occupancy rates for campus housing fell during the last academic year, so did housing revenues. To solve the problem, campus housing officials should reduce the number of available housing units, thereby increasing the occupancy rates. Also, to keep students from choosing to live off-campus, housing officials should lower the rents, thereby increasing demand.” AI: “Scientists are continually redefining the standards for what is beneficial or harmful to the environment. Since these standards keep shifting, companies should resist changing their products and processes in response to each new recommendation until those recommendations become government regulations.” RC:SONGBIRD原文原題, 兩本雜誌描述二戰對婦女就業問題的影響, 政府對供給的控制 MATH: DS: 兩個平面相切於一個sphere那題, 抽彩券那題 PS: 所有2位數,各位和十位都是奇数的所有数和 PS: (a, b)(c, d)二點,a^2+b^2+c^2+d^2=87, ac+bd=31, 問二點間的距離 PS: 整數除以6於2,除以8餘4,求除以48的餘數 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
NYGoGo:恭喜阿~~~ 同一天 結果差好多><~ 12/03 23:32
alima:進步240分!!! 強者要推 12/03 23:37
gica:很激勵人心! 01/02 23:49