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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23215479 本頁推薦單字: heresy, hermetic ------------------------------------- herbaceous herb-aceous adj.草本的 [of, pertaining to, or characteristic of an herb as distinguished from a woody plant; herblike.] ex. herbaceous plant ps. arboraceous [arbor 法文的樹] adj.樹的 herbicide herb-i-cide n.除草劑 [A chemical substance used to destroy or inhibit the growth of plants, especially weeds.] ps. 除草劑被廣泛使用於農業以及草坪管理,或是用來控制公路與鐵路上的植披生長。也 有一些用來管理森林、牧草,以及管控野生生物的活動區域。 insect:pesticide=plant:herbicide herbivorous herb-i-vor(吃)-ous adj.食草的 [ Feeding on plants; plant-eating.] review carnivorous adj.肉食的 herbivorous adj.食草的 omnivorous adj.雜食的 herd n.畜群 [A group of cattle or large animals of a single kind] n.人群 ex. He had no opinions of his own but simply follow the herd. v.聚在一起 [To come together in a herd] review Flock (羊、鳥)is the popular term, which applies to groups of animals, esp. of sheep or goats, and companies of birds Drove (牛、豬)is esp. applied to a number of oxen, sheep, or swine when driven in a group Herd (用於大型動物、牛、大象)is usually applied to large animals such as cattle, originally meaning those under the charge of someone; but by extension, to other animals feeding or driven together Pack (用於一群動物在攻擊、防禦時用)applies to a number of animals kept together or keeping together for offense or defense heredity hered(=heir)-ity n.遺傳 [ [The genetic transmission of characteristics from parent to offspring.] ex. Heredity and environment are influences on character. 遺傳和環境是影響性格的因素。 ex. My height comes from my heredity. 我的身高來自於遺傳。 字源:1530-40; < MF heredite < L hērēditāt- (s. of hērēditās) inheritance, equiv. to hērēd- (s. of hērēs) heir + -itāt- -ity 簡單地說,heredity的 hered是從拉丁文來的,其意思就是heir 繼承者 (國中生物的複習...Y這組是頭髮(顯:棕色 隱:金色) B這組是眼睛(顯:棕色 隱:藍色) ) hereditary hered-ity-ary adj.世襲的,傳代的 [Having title or possession through inheritance.] adj.遺傳的 [Transmitted or capable of being transmitted genetically from parent to offspring] ex. hereditary hair loss heresy here(異)-sy n.異端邪說 [opinion or doctrine at variance with the orthodox or accepted doctrine, esp. of a church or religious system.] ps.什麼是heresy 比方說,基督教中的"三位一體"的概念,其實是在公元3至4世紀開始逐漸發展。經過一連 串的辯論和大公會議後,才最終得以確立為正統的教義。 不過也有一些教派是否定此教義的,因此他們受到正統教派的攻擊,而被稱為heresy。 再例如,中世紀的獵女巫,因為巫術被正統教派認為是heresy,ex在《女巫之槌》一書中 寫到「巫術是來自肉體的色慾,這在女人身上是永難滿足的,魔鬼知道女人喜愛肉體樂趣 ,於是以性的愉悅誘使她們效忠」 字源: from L. hæresis, "school of thought, philosophical sect," used by Christian writers for "unorthodox sect or doctrine," from Gk. hairesis "a taking or choosing," from haireisthai "take, seize," middle voice of hairein "to choose," of unknown origin. 簡單的說heresy這個字,是從拉丁文發展而來的"指的是某一派的思想",是基督教的作家 用來指"非正統的教義"用的。後來就演化成。基本上,heresy的 here-應該解釋成 "take, seize",不過為了好記憶,聯想成or解釋成"異"也是可以通的。 heretic here(異)-tic n.異教徒 [A person who holds controversial opinions, especially one who publicly dissents from the officially accepted dogma of the Roman Catholic Church.] (大法師II 1977年的版本) heretical here(異)-tical adj.異端邪說的; 異教徒的 [Of or relating to heresy or heretics.] hermit n.隱士 [A person who has withdrawn from society and lives a solitary existence; a recluse.] ex. He became a hermit after he was dismissed from office. 他被解職後成了隱士。 聯想: her + MIT :她在MIT苦讀,過著像隱士(hermit)的生活 ps. hermit crab = 寄居蟹 hermetic adj.密封的 [ made airtight by fusion or sealing.] ex. A hermetic seal is used at the top of this sample box. 這個樣品盒的口用密封條封著 adj.鍊金術的 [常用 Hermetic--of, pertaining to, or characteristic of occult science, esp. alchemy.] ex. Hermetic art. 鏈金術 adj.神祕的;深奧的 from Gk. Hermes(愛馬仕,沒錯~就是知名的品牌--官網) 神使 Hermes,他是宙斯與瑪亞的兒子,也是宙斯的傳令官,像是在《蘇菲的世界》一書 中的那隻狗的名字就是漢密士(譯名),名字就是利用此來源唷。 Hermes也是奧林匹斯十 二主神之一,他是邊界及穿越邊界的旅行者之神,亦掌管牧羊人與牧牛人,辯論與靈舌, 詩與文字,體育,重量與度量,發明與商業,他也是狡猾的小偷和騙子之神。 那 Hermes為什麼會是"密封的"、"鍊金術的"的詞源呢,原因是Hermes是發明"密封玻璃" 的神,這個密封玻璃被用來在鍊金術中。 Hermes supposedly invented the process of making a glass tube airtight (a process in alchemy) using a secret seal. herpetology herpet(a creeping thing)-ology n.爬蟲學 [The branch of zoology that deals with reptiles and amphibians.] 字源:源自希臘文herpo,蠕動或爬行的意思. herpetologist herpet-ology-ist n.爬蟲學家 chameleon:herpetologist -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
meteor711 :耶~~~頭推!!(還沒看完就先推)哈哈~ 05/02 20:21
aids2 :感謝~~!!大推 05/02 20:46
ikuo :推喔~ 05/02 20:49
barson :push!!! 05/03 10:06
peterluo :未看先推!! 05/03 10:29
fliegen :大感謝!熊很可愛 05/03 20:44
jack2030 :推!!! 05/04 14:57
xination :嗯? 這頁沒有熊耶 05/04 23:20