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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23215486 本頁推薦單字:hierarchy, hieroglyph XD...這頁可下了一番功夫阿 不看可惜唷 --------------------------------- heterodox hetero(different)-dox(opinion) adj.非正統的 [not in accordance with established or accepted doctrines or opinions, esp. in theology; unorthodox.] 字源:1610-20; < Gk heteródoxos of another opinion, equiv. to hetero- different, other + dóx(a) opinion (Compare dokeîn to think, suppose) + -os adj. suffix heterodox是從希臘語而來的,其中的字根hetero的意思是"different",而後面的"dox" 代表的是"opinion" ps. orthodox adj.正統的 heterogeneous hetero(different)-gene-ous adj.由不同成分形成的 [Consisting of dissimilar elements or parts; not homogeneous.] ex. heterogeneous society heterogeneous <> homogeneous (簡單的小教學) hew v.砍、劈(用斧、刀等) [to strike forcibly with an ax, sword, or other cutting instrument; chop; hack.] ex. The hunters hewed a path through the jungle. 獵手們在森林裡開出了一條路。 v.遵守 [To adhere or conform strictly] ex. hew to a principle conform <> not hew to hew v.用斧砍伐 v.遵守 (hew to) new a.新 to hew a new tree 砍新樹 hexagon hexa(six)-gon n.六角形 [A polygon having six sides.] review (p.145) pentagon n.五角形 [penta(five)-gon] hexagon n.六角形 [hexa(six)-gon] see wiki 1-20邊形的說法 hiatus n.空隙 [A gap or interruption in space, time, or continuity; a break] ex. There's a hiatus, where she's considering whether or not she is going to receive a message. n.[解剖學] 洞、裂縫、通道 [Anatomy A separation, aperture, fissure, or short passage in an organ or body part.] ex. 食道孔(esophageal hiatus) 聯想: hi + at + us 他們透過空隙(hiatus)向我們說hi ps.在語言學上hiatus 指的是兩個相連母音的輕微停頓,ex. reality的 re-al的中間, naive的 na-i 的中間 hibernate hibern(冬天)-ate v.冬眠 [to spend the winter in close quarters in a dormant condition, as bears] ex. In winter bears usually hibernate in their dens. 音+聯想:hibern 西伯(利亞) + ate 其實你仔細看Siberia西伯利亞的siber的發音與hiber非常的接近呢,xination推想這有 可能是同源的 (提醒人去投票的宣傳,滿有趣的~~Don't hibernate) review dormant a.休眠的 (也可以說是冬眠) ex. 熊、植物、火山等等 dormancy n.休眠狀態 [the state of being dormant.] hide n.獸皮(大型動物的獸皮,像是水牛的等等) [The skin of an animal, especially the thick tough skin or pelt of a large animal.] ps. 已故的X-Japan的吉他手 Hide hidebound hide-bound adj.思想偏狹頑固的 [narrow and rigid in opinion; inflexible] ps. 貶:對新思想、方法格格不入 ex.像是宗教的守舊人士、軍方官僚等等 來自於hide + bound(bind的過去分詞; 被縛住的) hideous hide-ous adj. 醜惡的, 可怕的 [ horrible or frightful to the senses; repulsive; very ugly] ex.(名言)Of course, being buried alive still terrifies us today because, as Poe himself wrote, " We know of nothing so agonizing upon Earth - we can dream of nothing half so hideous in the realms of the nethermost Hell." 我們無法知道在世上還有什麼如此痛苦的----在地獄最底層國度中的恐怖,我們連一半 都夢想不到的。 字源(看看就好):c.1300, from Anglo-Fr. hidous, from O.Fr. hideus, earlier hisdos (11c.), from hisda "horror, fear," perhaps of Gmc. origin. hie v.【古】趕緊,趕快 [To go quickly; hasten.] ex. I will hie to the bank. 我得趕緊去銀行 hie v.[古] 趕緊、趕快 die v.死 不趕快(hie),病人就要死了(die)~ hierarchy hier(sacred;神聖)-arch(統治)-y n.等級制度 [ranked organization of persons or things] 字源:c.1343, from O.Fr. ierarchie, from M.L. hierarchia "ranked division of angels" (in the system of Dionysius the Areopagite), from Gk. hierarchia "rule of a high priest," from hierarches "high priest, leader of sacred rites," from ta hiera "the sacred rites" (neut. pl. of hieros "sacred") + archein "to lead, rule." Sense of "ranked organization of persons or things" first recorded 1619, initially of clergy, probably infl. by higher. 我們來英文的 hierachy的形成經過,最早是從希臘語的hieraches"最高等級的神職人員" 或是"宗教儀式的leader",此字是用hier(神聖的儀式)+arch統治而來的。發展到拉丁文 的時候,字型變成 hierarchia,而意思成為"天使的級別、等級",其概念是藉著神職人 員的職位是一層一層的。而後接著由法文繼承-->英文,字義已經成為" 等級制度 "(ranked organization of persons or things。 ps.1 hier- 神聖 heir n.繼承者 ps.2 Maslow's hierarchy of needs hieroglyph hiero(=hier; sacred)-glyph(graph) n.象形文字(特別是指埃及的) [ Also, hihiero(=hier; sacred)-glyph(graph) 來瞭解一下什麼是hieroglyph吧 (extracted from wiki) As writing developed and became more widespread among the Egyptian people, simplified glyph forms developed, resulting in the hieratic (priestly) and demotic (popular) scripts. These variants were also more suited than hieroglyphs for use on papyrus. Hieroglyphic writing was not, however, eclipsed, but existed alongside the other forms, especially in monumental and other formal writing. The Rosetta Stone contains parallel texts in hieroglyphic and demotic writing. 隨著文字書寫發展並在埃及普及時,對原本文字(hieroglyph-聖書體)的簡化也就發展了 。這就導致出現了僧侶體(priestly script)和世俗體(popular scripts)字體。這些字體 適合於在紙草上書寫。但是聖書體並沒有因此而衰落,而是與這些字體共存。羅塞塔石碑 (Rosetta Stone)就包含了聖書體和世俗體。 在Ancient Egypt的時代,原本的文字是hieroglyph,而後又多出了兩種,hieroglyph主 要用於比較莊重的場合,多見於神廟,紀念碑和金字塔的銘文的雕刻,priestly script 則多用於書寫於紙草上,而popular scripts則是對priestly script的簡化 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: xination 來自: (05/03 18:36)
coldman2001 :推~ 05/03 19:23
junjung :push!! 05/04 16:09
uriah0316 :推推 05/04 17:37
d123xxx :推!! 05/09 02:06
mevita :推推推~~ 05/09 11:25
crescendo :推推^^ 05/09 15:00
peterluo :推!! 05/13 11:11