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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23181815 list 18講完了唷 本頁推薦單字:hemophilia ~~ 血友病是什麼 ~~ -------------------------------------- helmet n.頭盔;盔 [any of various forms of protective head covering worn by soldiers, firefighters, divers, cyclists, etc.] hem v.給...縫邊 [ to fold back and sew down the edge of (cloth, a garment, etc.); form an edge or border on or around.] ex. She hemmed the trousers. 她縫了褲子的摺邊。 n.衣服等的摺邊 [an edge made by folding back the margin of cloth and sewing it down.] ex. let down or take up the hem of that dress? ps. ham n.火腿 hem n.衣服等的摺邊 hem:garment 摺邊衣服 hemisphere hemi(half)-sphere n.半球 [A half of a sphere bounded by a great circle.] ex. The American navy would defend and patrol the Western Hemisphere. 美國海軍將防禦和巡邏西半球。 hemophilia hemo(blood)-phil(愛)-ia(病) n.血友病 ps. 血友病是一種先天性血液凝固異常的出血疾病,原因是血液中缺乏某一種「凝血因子 」,若受傷了血會一直流 字源:1854 fcoined in Mod.L. in 1828 by Ger. physician Johann Lucas Schö nlein (1793-1864), from Gk. haima "blood" + philia "to love," 這名詞於1828年為Schonlein的學生Hopf首先使用,不過當時是Hemorrhaephilia。在1832 ~1854年之間 (來簡單認識血友病~~) hemorrhage hemo(blood)-rrhage(rupture) n.出血 [a profuse discharge of blood, as from a ruptured blood vessel] ex. Cerebral Hemorrhage 腦出血 (會腦中風...) n.損失 [any widespread or uncontrolled loss or diffusion.] v.大出血 [to bleed profusely.] 字源:1665–75; < L haemorrhagia < Gk haimorrhagía. hemo是血的意思,那後面的rrhage其實是由希臘文的rrhagia轉變過來的,此希臘字根指 的就是rupture. hemorrhage:bleeding=vertigo:dizziness 大出血是過分流血=眩暈是過分頭昏眼花 "腦的組織學--出血" hemostat hemo(blood)-stat(站) n.止血鉗子;止血劑 [an instrument or agent used to compress or treat bleeding vessels in order to arrest hemorrhage.] (冏rz..有點小噁) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
yoloshiku :頭推... 04/28 11:51
coldman2001 :推推~ 04/28 12:07
junjung :push~ 04/28 17:25
d123xxx :推~ 04/28 18:57
link123 :大推~~請收我為徒吧XD 04/28 19:17