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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23148875 本頁推薦單字: haunt 呼呼~ 鬧鬼 ---------------------------------------- haste n.迅速 [ Rapidity of action or motion.] n.匆忙 [ unnecessarily quick action; thoughtless, rash] ex. haste makes waste = 欲速則不達 (應該常在廁所看到吧 =_+) hasty haste-y adj.迅速的 [ Characterized by speed; rapid.] adj.匆忙的 [Done or made too quickly to be accurate or wise; rash] ex. jump to hasty conclusions. hasten haste-en v.迅速地做 or 匆忙地做 [to move or act with haste; proceed with haste] ex. our minutes hasten to their end. v.加速;催促 [To speed up; accelerate] ex. Warm weather and showers hastened the growth of the plants. 溫暖的天氣和陣雨加速了植物的生長。 hatch n.孵 [the act of hatching.] v.孵 [to cause young to emerge from (the egg) as by brooding or incubating.] ex. Three eggs have already hatched out. 三隻小雞已孵出。 n.艙口 [Nautical. Also called hatchway. an opening, usually rectangular, in the deck through which passengers can pass, cargo can be loaded or unloaded, etc.] door:room=hatch:hold 門是房間入口=艙蓋是船艙入 haughty adj.高傲的;傲慢的 [having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy] ex. some economists are haughty of their colleagues in other economical schools. ex. being broad with the haughty breadth of the universe. 字源:haughty這個字,其字根可以追尋到拉丁字根的"alt-",比方說altitude,前面多 了個"h"是因為後來的日耳曼語加上來,簡單的說haught就是"high"的意思 haughty adj.高傲的、自大的 naughty adj.頑皮的、淘氣的 The little princess is naugthy and some haughty. 小公主高傲又淘氣 hauteur haut(high)-eur n.【法】傲慢 [haughty manner or spirit; arrogance.] haunt [七姑姑系列] v.常出沒於(特別指鬼) [To inhabit, visit, or appear to in the form of a ghost or other supernatural being.] ex. He feared the soul of his deceased wife would haunt him. 他害怕亡妻的鬼魂會來纏擾他。 v經常去(某地) [To visit often; frequent] v.縈繞在心頭(思想,回憶等) [To come to the mind of continually; obsess] "A Haunting - Where Demons Dwell [Part 1]" Discovery拍的 haven n.港口 [a harbor or port.] n.安息所, 避難所 [any place of shelter and safety; refuge; asylum.] 聯想: have + not --> haven't 諸法皆空,就沒煩惱 字源:bef. 1050; ME; OE hæfen; c. D haven, G Hafen, ON h&N) 起源與古挪威語的"海"有關 ps. heaven n.極樂之地、天堂 haven n.港口、 避難所 havoc n.大破壞,浩劫 [great destruction or devastation] ex. the havoc of the hurricane. v.大破壞 [to work havoc] ps. 有一部片《havoc》(2005)中文譯成《玩命派對》,女主角有Anne Hathaway,就是《 穿著Prada的惡魔》的女主角唷~。故事大綱:兩個住在洛杉磯郊區的有錢人家孩,由於嚮 往嘻哈文化,又對自己的生活感到無趣,於是決定嘗試黑幫的生活方式。 "下面是電影的簡介/預告片" hawk n.隼 ps. 基本上 eagle與hawk都是同一family的,只是eagle比較大隻而已。 hazard (在p. 231有講過了) n.機會(有風險的那種) [A chance of being injured or harmed; danger] ex. Space travel is full of hazards. ex. moral hazard v.冒危險 [To expose to danger or harm.] ex. Rock-clibmers sometimes hazard their lives. 攀登岩石的運動員有時要冒生命危險。 字源:Middle English hasard, dice game, hazard這個字原本指"骰子遊戲" hazardous hazard-ous adj.有危險的 [full of risk; perilous; risky] ex. It would be hazardous, but no more than waiting here for certain detection. 這是冒險的行為,但總比坐以待斃好些 headlong head-long adj/adv. 頭向前地 adj/adv. 輕率的 [Done with the head leading; headfirst] ex. He rushed headlong into marriage. 他倉促輕率地結了婚 字源:headlong的字尾"-long"是-ling變化而來的, 意思指一頭栽進去;只輕率的考慮一件事 字尾-ling的意思有 (整體上說-ling都有負面的意味在) 1. 表示連接 ex.world-ling n.俗人,俗物 2. 表示"小"、"年輕"、"較下等" ex. duck-ling, under-ling 類似的有sidelong [side-long] adj.橫向的 headlong <> deliberate headstrong head-strong adj.固執的;頑固的 [Determined to have one's own way; stubbornly and often recklessly willful.] ps. headstong是個滿口語的字唷,是說形容頑固時比較曲折的說法,當你覺得某人的腦 袋(head)很強硬(strong),也就是說人家很固執的意思啦~~ headway head-way n.前進(這個字最早用於指船的前進) [Forward movement or the rate of forward movement, especially of a ship.] ex. The ship could make no headway against the wind. n.進展,進步 ex. She has made remarkable headway in her writing skills. heal v.治癒 [to make healthy, whole, or sound; restore to health] ex. A physician's sacred duty is to heal the sick. 醫生的神聖職責就是治癒病人。 ps. 還有印象我們在p.230講過的hale (adj.健壯的; 矍鑠的) 這個字的字源嗎 heal 與 hale 這兩個字都來自 古英文的 hal這個字唷 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Hjordis :又是頭推\( ̄▽ ̄)/ 辛苦了!! 04/25 20:29
coldman2001 :推!! 04/25 21:35
laba1014 :喔喔 X大最近連發阿 唸不完Q Q 04/25 22:02
waynek :推一下(羞) 這個工作真的太辛苦了~~ 快開班吧!! 04/26 00:28
fliegen :請問今天的錄音檔是不是有問題?只有30秒 好小聲... 04/26 01:22
fishtom :推 辛苦了 04/26 01:46
fliegen :測每頁都只剩30秒耶 不知道是哪出了問題 orz 04/26 02:44
xination :會很小聲嗎? ...但是我聽是還好... 04/26 03:03
xination :嗯..因為我的麥克風是那種陽春型的 49元一支 04/26 03:04
xination :所以我會設定用..比較低的音量去錄.. 04/26 03:06
xination :以降低背景雜音 (彌補麥克風訊雜比) 04/26 03:07
xination :233 是會比較小聲 因為我把背景雜音調在 [-200~300] 04/26 03:08
xination :一般大概是在 [-400-500] 04/26 03:09
xination :但是如果用耳機聽會雜音過大 不是很舒服.. 04/26 03:10
xination :還是.我的音響比較好的關係..所以一直覺的不會很小聲 04/26 03:11
xination :冏rz 04/26 03:12
xination :30秒的東東 重開瀏覽器試試看~~ 04/26 03:12
fliegen :謝謝你 :) 最近幾集感覺都比以前小聲 音響越開越大聲 04/26 03:12
fliegen :清晰度好像差不多... 可能是我光抄筆記就來不及了:P 04/26 03:13
xination :^^ 有人要推薦我好用的麥克風嗎? 04/26 03:15
waynek :之前PXHOME賣的skype很便宜 還不錯~ 04/26 15:23
morriskao :真的還是30sec,,,,已經重開好幾次了 04/26 22:06
xination :...看一下在p.234的推文 有疑似解決辦法 04/27 16:28