精華區beta GRE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/23148882 本頁推薦單字:hedge ~~刺蝟 VS.豪豬~~你能分得出來嗎 嗯~30秒~~ 我也不知道發生了什麼事 記得之前好好的阿 try了一下 發現只要連回imeem頁就可以正常聽了 下面是小教學 http://ppt.cc/8D9k --------------------------------------- hearken heark(hark)-en v.傾聽 [ to give heed or attention to what is said; listen.] ps. hearken是一個使用在文學上的字,一般講聽用"hear"、"listen"就可以了。這就像" 襤褸"或者是"破衣"的關係一樣。另外hark的意思也是聽的意思。 hearten heart-en v.激勵 [to give courage or confidence to; cheer.] ex. He will have been heartened by the telephone opinion poll published yesterday. heartrending heart-rend(分裂)-ing adj.令人心碎的 [causing or expressing intense grief, anguish, or distress.] ex. heartrendingly beautiful painting. 令人心碎地美麗的繪畫 heavy-handedness heavy-hand-ed-ness n.笨手笨腳 heckle [hackle] v.詰問;激烈質問( 通過問題來干擾別人) [to harass (a public speaker, performer, etc.) with impertinent questions, gibes, or the like] ex. 在下面的影片中,Obama在演說時,後面有觀眾一直用海報、問題干擾,Obama說:「 hold on, 等等會有機會給你們問問題的」 hectic adj.忙亂的;鬧哄哄的 [Characterized by intense activity, confusion, or haste] ex. Chinese New year is the most hectic time of the year for parents. ex. I had a hectic day in the office. 字源:最早的源頭可以推到 hech(have) - tic hectic a.忙亂的;鬧哄哄的 heckle v.激烈質問 As reporters heckled him, the situation became hectic right away. 記者一質問,現場馬上就鬧哄哄的 hector n. [a bully.] v. [To intimidate or dominate in a blustering way.] hector n.恃強凌弱的人[bully] doctor n.醫生 醫生之前是個恃強凌弱的人 This doctor was a hector before. ps. Hector Hector在荷馬(700BC左右的一位盲詩人)的《Iliad》故事中,他是特洛伊的王子,也是 Priam與Hecuba最大的兒子,但最後被Achilles殺了。 (看電影時間~~) hedge n.籬笆 [a row of bushes or small trees planted close together, esp. when forming a fence or boundary] ex. They planted a hedge around the garden. v.用樹籬笆圍住 [To enclose or bound with or as if with hedges.] v.兩面下注以防損失(中文很難翻出原本的意思)[To minimize or protect against the loss of by counterbalancing one transaction, such as a bet, against another.] ex. hedge fund 避險基金 hedge:loss ps. hedgehog n.刺蝟 [hog=pig] hedgehog vs. porcupine 他們倆個可是不同的動物唷(雖然長得滿像的@@) hedonism n.享樂主義 [a school of philosophy which argues that pleasure has an ultimate importance and is the most important pursuit of humanity.] ps. 享樂主義是所有動作皆可被一個人會產生的享受與痛楚所決定,力求將享樂與痛苦的 距差增至最大,很像經濟學中的把效益拉到最高的意味。 聯想:he + do + ni + sm :他做你的SM.. 字源:hedon在希臘文中的意思就是pleasure. hedonist n.享樂主義者 [a person whose life is devoted to the pursuit of pleasure and self-gratification.] hedonist <> ascetic n.禁慾者 heed v.留心、注意 [ to give careful attention to] n.留心、注意 ex. Take heed of these warnings. ps. 世界上最小的貓的名字就叫做Heed. (官網) heed v.留心、注意 deed n.行為、行動 注意他的行為 Please heed that man's deed. hegemony n.支配權, 領導權,霸權 [leadership or predominant influence exercised by one nation over others, as in a confederation.] ex. Information Hegemony 由於現代科技及資訊媒體的蓬勃發展,使得西方傳播媒體文化散播全球,令很多非西方 國家為了可能出現負面影響,深感不安。學術界也引起「文化帝國主義」的爭論。最新資 訊霸權的名詞是:資訊恐怖主義。這是中國詮釋西方媒體對於西藏事件不公平報導的最新 說法。 聯想: he + ge(t) + money -->他拿到錢,因此獲得領導權,霸權 字源:在希臘文中hegemon就是指leader的意思 hegemony <> lack of authority heinous adj.可憎的;兇惡的[hateful; odious; abominable; totally reprehensible] 音:恨你要死 -->可憎的;兇惡的 from 《邪惡帝國電玩》的台詞 Don't be nice. Because the world is not nice. It is complicated and it is messy. It is overflowing with arrogance and greed and uncertainty. It's a lot of heinous shit. 別當好人 因為這世界本來就不好 很複雜,一團亂 充滿著傲慢、貪婪、不確定 充滿著可憎的事物 heir n.繼承人 [a person who inherits or has a right of inheritance in the property of another following the latter's death.] ex. the lawful heir 合法繼承人 聯想:heir 字中有個her,從媽媽身上繼承下來 字源:heir 是從 L. heres發展來的,其他的字比如說 heredity (n.遺傳) heirloom heir-loom n.祖傳遺物;傳家寶 [ a family possession handed down from generation to generation.] ex. She treasured the brooch because it was an heirloom. 她把這枚飾針視為珍寶,因為這是祖上傳下來的。 heir=繼承人,loom=織布機(引申成寶物之類) ps.國片《The heirloom》or《宅變》(2005) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
gloomedran :頭推! 04/27 12:56
fliegen :我到學校用不同電腦也都還是 30 sec. 耶 ^^; 怎麼辦 04/27 13:26
coldman2001 :推~ 04/27 19:03
※ 編輯: xination 來自: (04/27 19:43)
beban :推 好棒的文 04/27 22:15
fliegen :謝謝您! 04/28 02:46