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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22926407 阿~我又去拔牙了 所以錄音的進度慢慢的 XD...我好懶唷 不過 已經整理到p.239了 這頁滿有趣的 慢慢看吧 ---------------------------------------------------------- groan v.呻吟 (簡短而強烈低沉的哀嚎) ex. I knew it was a groan of terror---terror in the face of death. n.呻吟聲 reviw groan n/v.呻吟 (簡短而強烈低沉的哀嚎) moan n/v.呻吟 (長而斷斷續續聽不太清楚的哀嚎) ex.叫床聲... groan, moan refer to sounds indicating deep suffering. A groan is a brief, strong, deep-throated sound emitted involuntarily under pressure of pain or suffering: ex. he wounded man groaned when they lifted him. A moan is a prolonged, more or less continuous, low, inarticulate sound indicative of suffering, either physical or mental ex. She was moaning after the operation. groom n.新郎 [a bridegroom.] 可想成g(哥哥進房間) n.馬伕 [a man or boy in charge of horses or the stable.] v.使整潔;打扮 [to tend carefully as to person and dress; make neat or tidy.] ex. He groomed himself carefully for the party. 他為晚會仔細地打扮了一番。 v.準備 ex. The lawyer was being groomed as a candidate for mayor. 律師正在準備競選市長。 groom其中一個意思可以當"新郎",因為groom是 bridegroom"新娘的馬伕-->新郎"的縮寫 groom最原始的意思"male servant who attends to horses",是從O.Fr. grommet "servant"來的唷,動詞的字義則是較晚才發展出來的,意思從僕人轉化到"準備" groove n.槽、凹槽 (例如唱片的紋道) [A long narrow furrow or channel.] ex. Wheels leave grooves in a dirt road. 輪子在泥路上會留下車轍。 n.【俚】常規 [Slang A settled routine] ex. A nun's life runs in a groove. 修女過著刻板的生活。 grove n.小樹林 [A small wood or stand of trees lacking dense undergrowth.] 聯想: gro(w) + five 長的五顆小樹的小樹林 grope v.暗中摸索 [To search blindly or uncertainly] ex. Scientists grope blindly behind the secret of the atom. v. [Slang To handle or fondle for sexual pleasure.] ex. subway grope grope rope grope是暗中摸索(rope) gross adj.總的(比方說總收入gross income--但未減去要繳的稅) [without deductions; total, as the amount of sales, salary, profit, etc., before taking deductions for expenses, taxes, or the like] ex. GDP= gross domestic product 國內生產總值(毛額) ps.如果你有修過macroeconomics,一開始通常會講令人麻煩的GNP與GDP的定義... adj.粗俗的;下流的(在口語中常用這個字義) [Brutishly coarse, as in behavior; crude; flagrant and extreme] ex. gross injustice n.總額 [total income from sales, salary, etc., before any deductions] 字源:c.1347, from O.Fr. gros "big, thick, coarse," from L.L. grossus "thick, coarse (of food or mind)," gross來自古法文的 gros,此字指的是"大的、厚的、粗糙的" reveiw engross en-gross [進入總的狀態] v.使全神貫注 [ to occupy completely, as the mind or attention] ex. Their discussion engrossed his attention. v.用大字體書寫 [to write or copy in a clear, attractive, large script or in a formal manner, as a public document or record] ex. to engross a deed. grotto n.洞穴,石室(通常指人造的,ex.用於庭園景觀的洞穴。不過有能指一般天然的洞穴..) [An artificial structure or excavation made to resemble a cave.] ex. 太魯閣國家公園中的燕子口就翻成"Swallow Grotto" 聯想:grotto 兩個o是洞口 字源:1610–20 Alteration of Italian grotta, from Vulgar Latin *grupta, from Latin crypta, vault; see crypt. grotto是在1610年左右所創的,是由義大文的grotta變化而來的 grotto:cavern=arroyo:channel 小洞穴對巨洞=小河對海峽 grouch n.好抱怨的人(比較常用名詞型唷) [A habitually complaining or irritable person.] v.抱怨 [how discontent; complain, esp. in an irritable way.] ex. no time to grouch or sigh. ps. 有人知道 Oscar the Grouch嗎? grouse n.【鳥】松雞(比較常出現的字義) ex.蘇格蘭威士忌"The Famous Grouse Scotch Whisky"牌子上,就是用grouse當mark唷, (xination去過Scotland 的Whisky的釀酒廠喝過唷) v.抱怨,發牢騷(會考的是這個字義..) [To complain; grumble. ] ps. xination認為可能是因為松雞的聲音,聽起來像抱怨時發出的聲音,所以才有這個字 義的轉化 grumble v.抱怨,發牢騷 [ To complain in a surly manner; mutter discontentedly] ground n.地面 n.基礎 ex. Our friendship is on firm grounds. 我們的友誼建築在牢固的基礎上 n.根據,理由 ex.There is no ground for his complaints. 他沒有理由抱怨。 ps. ground 也是 grind v.磨 的p.t. 與 p.p. grounded adj.有根據的,有理由的 ex. It's grounded firmly that human needs love. group v.把...聚集 [to form a group.] v.把...分組 [to place or associate together in a group] ex. We can group animals into several types. 我們可以把動物分成幾類。 grovel v.卑躬屈膝;;搖尾乞憐 [To behave in a servile or demeaning manner] ex. I grovel as he smiles. v.匍匐 [To lie or creep in a prostrate position, as in subservience or humility] "請看約在1:40的時候" ps. gravel n.砂礫 grovel v.卑躬屈膝;搖尾乞憐 在砂礫上搖尾乞憐 The poor man is sitting on the gravel and grovels to the lord. grueling adj.累垮人的; 令人受不了的 [ Physically or mentally demanding to the point of exhaustion] 哈利波特地四集火盃的考驗 Synopsis(概要) When Harry Potter's name emerges from the Goblet of Fire, he becomes a competitor in a grueling battle for glory among three wizarding schools - the Triwizard Tournament. 鐵人三項 is a grueling competion. guarantee v.保證 ex. Perfect satisfaction is guaranteed to our customers. 保證我們的顧客完全滿意。 n.保證;商品保證;保證書 [Something that assures a particular outcome or condition] ex. The TV set has a year's guarantee. 這架電視機有一年的保修期。 聯想:guard + ant + ee -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
transferking:頭推^^ 04/15 19:44
aids2 :一定要推啊~~!!超棒的~~^^ 04/15 20:19
ErosSonic :辛苦了!! 04/15 20:28
fishtom :推 辛苦了 04/15 20:30
fliegen :祝您早日康復! 04/15 23:45
laba5566 :推推 04/16 01:58
isa0907 :感謝分享吶...辛苦啦~ 04/16 10:51
balance9235 : 04/16 13:07
pizza740909 :推 04/16 21:46