精華區beta GRE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22926403 今天是個純粹的宅宅 --------------------------------------------- gratitude grate-i-tude n.感激之情 [The state of being grateful; thankfulness.] ex. He acted so out of gratitude. 他是出於感激而這麼做的。 ps. Gratitude journals 是心理學家建議人們使用的一種渡過低潮期的方法 顧名思義就是寫 "感恩日記" 每天要求自己記下幾項讓你感受到溫暖的小事情,例如收銀員對你的一個微 笑或是親友一通噓寒問暖的電話等。 gratuity grat-u-ity n.小費 [a gift of money, over and above payment due for service, as to a waiter; tip] 小費,一般使用tip就可以了,若你想講的文謅謅一點就用gratuity吧 小常識--美國的小費 gratuitous gratuity-ous adj.免費的 [Given or granted without return or recompense; unearned.] ex. Offer free/gratuitous service adj.無端的 (有不好的意味在,有多餘的、沒道理的意味) [ being without apparent reason, cause, or justification] ex. a gratuitous insult/ gratuitous punishment. ex. His criticism is quite gratuitous. grave n.墓穴 [an excavation made in the earth in which to bury a dead body] ex. I had one foot in the grave adj.嚴肅的,認真的 [serious or solemn; sober] ex. when the news of bankrupt came, his face became grave. adj.重大的 [weighty, momentous, or important] ex. The situation poses a grave threat to peace. 這一局勢對和平構成重大威脅。 grave <> droll adj.滑稽的 grave <> giddy adj.輕率的 gravel n.砂礫 [ small stones and pebbles, or a mixture of these with sand.] 專業的解釋:gravel 直徑大於2mm;同時被廣泛當作建築材料使用。 字源:原指河邊較重的石頭 review gave give的過去式 gavel n.小木槌(法官、拍賣用的) [gave給,l ( 從上到下的一下在空中畫出的曲線 )] gravel n.砂礫 gravity grave-ity n.地心吸力 (也稱萬有引力) n.嚴肅;莊嚴 [serious or critical nature] ex. I don' t think you realize the gravity of the situation. 我認為你沒有意識到局勢的嚴重. frivolous:gravity=brash:discretion 輕浮的不嚴肅=倉促的不謹慎 gravitational gravity-ational adj.重力的; 萬有引力的 ps. gravitational field 重力場 graze v.放牧 [to feed on growing grass and pasturage, as do cattle, sheep, etc.] ex. Cattle were grazing on the meadow. 牛在牧場上吃草。 n.輕擦 [ to touch or rub lightly in passing.] ex. He grazed his knee when he fell. 他摔倒時擦傷了膝蓋。 ps.先來提一下meadow這個字好了,因為我們以後也是會遇到,meadow是從mead而來的, mead本身就是指草地了唷,所以meadow可以指草地,也可以指牧場 grease n.動物脂;油脂 [Soft or melted animal fat, especially after rendering(精鍊).] ps. yellow grease 意思是在餐廳或炸食店使用過的油,現在可以用於biodiesel fuel for cars Idiom:grease one's palm,在某人 的掌心抹油,意指給某人好處 green adj.綠的 adj.無經驗的;容易上當的 ex. He is a green hand. 他是個新手。 可以想green banana (綠色的香蕉)還不太好吃, 因此green帶有尚未成熟、無經驗的意思在。 greenhouse n.溫室,暖房 [a building, room, or area, usually chiefly of glass, in which the temperature is maintained within a desired range, used for cultivating tender plants or growing plants out of season.] 溫室是專為保護稚嫩或過季植物而設計的建築,使之不致過熱或過冷。通常是一座圍以玻 璃或塑料片的框架結構,用以栽培蔬、果、花卉或任何需要特殊氣溫條件的植物。 ps. greenhouse effect gregarious greg(group)-arious(ary-ous) adj.合群的 [fond of the company of others; sociable.] adj.群居性的 [living in flocks or herds, as animals.] ex. Human is a gregarious animal. ps. 如果想要在自傳中表達自己很合群,gregarious這個形容詞很適合唷 gregarious <> aloof adj.冷淡的;孤獨的 (忘了的話review page 20) gregariousness greg-arious-ness n.合群 n.群居性 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
fishtom :睡前有看有推 04/10 00:01
mycamouflage:推XINATION和Gratitude journals!! 04/10 01:53
enjoyall :謝謝您的貢獻b^^ 04/10 05:53