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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22926404 -------------------------------- grenade n.手榴彈 1525–35; < F < Sp granada pomegranate(石榴) grenade來自法文,原本指的是一種果實,叫做石榴 grieve v.使悲傷 [to feel great sorrow] ex. She was grieving for the dead baby. 她為死去的孩子悲傷 字源:grieve來自 grave,就是heavy沉重的意思,悲傷就是使人沉重吧 grievous grive-ous adj.令人悲痛的 [causing grief or great sorrow] ex. When the grievous news came, she was choked with tears. adj.極嚴重的 [Serious or dire; grave] ex. a grievous crime. grief n.悲傷 [ intense sorrow caused by loss of a loved one (especially by death) ] n.不幸 [something that causes great unhappiness] muffle:sound=assuage:grief 減弱聲音使聲音降低=撫慰使悲傷減少 grievance grieve-ance n.不平 [ a wrong considered as grounds for complaint, or something believed to cause distress] ex. Inequitable taxation is the chief grievance. n.抱怨,牢騷 [a complaint, as against an unjust or unfair act] ex. to have a grievance against someone. ps. redress the grievance of 打抱不平 grill n.烤肉架 v.炙烤 [To broil on a gridiron.] v.拷問,盤問 [To torture or afflict as if by broiling; To question relentlessly; cross-examine.] ex. At the police station, she was grilled for twenty-four hours. 她在警察局被拷問了二十四小時。 ps. grill 放在烤架上 roast 像烤乳豬整隻在火上烤 grim adj.冷酷的, 可怕的 [Unrelenting; rigid; Ghastly; sinister] ex. We had a grim struggle before we won. 我們經歷了一場惡鬥才贏得勝利。 字源:bef. 900; ME, OE; c. OS, OHG grimm, ON grimmr grim是來自古挪威語的 grimace n.怪相,鬼臉 [a facial expression, often ugly or contorted, that indicates disapproval, pain, etc.] ex. Thomas made a grimace after he had tasted the wine. 湯瑪斯嚐了那葡萄酒後做了個鬼臉。 v.作怪相,扮鬼臉 字源:French, from Old French grimache, alteration of grimuche, probably from Frankish *grīma, mask. grimace是從古法文而來的,在法蘭克語中grima是指的面具mask的意思 chagrin:mind=grimace:face 懊惱是情緒不好=面部扭曲是臉不好 grin v.露齒而笑 [to smile broadly, esp. as an indication of pleasure, amusement, or the like.] ex.黑人牙膏的笑容 grin <> pout v.噘嘴 grind v.磨 [to wear, smooth, or sharpen by abrasion or friction] ex. to grind a lens. ex. The flour was ground from barley. 這麵粉用大麥碾成。 n. 【口】苦差使;單調的事 ex. Hans finds learning Chinese a grind. 漢斯覺得學習漢語是件苦事。 ps.1 grindstone n.磨刀石 ps.2 have an axe to grind 比喻人說某話,做某事別有用心,另有企圖 富蘭克林小的時候,有一天一個人帶把斧頭來到他家住所,想利用他父親的砂輪磨斧頭。 可是沒有人替他搖轉砂輪。那人走到富蘭克林面前,說了一番讚美砂輪的話,然後,要富 蘭克林教他看看砂輪怎麼轉動。年幼的富蘭克林欣然答應了他的請求,把砂輪旋轉起來。 那人趁此機會便在上面磨他的斧頭。一邊磨,一邊花言巧語誇獎富蘭克林,使富蘭克林聽 得心裡怪高興的,搖得越來越歡,以致雙手打起了水泡,疼痛難忍。那人把斧頭磨好了, 卻對富蘭克林手上的疼痛置之一笑。噢,原來那人甜言蜜語讚美砂輪,奉承富蘭克林是為 了磨他的那把斧頭,根據這個故事,人們後來便常常用have an axe to grind一語來比喻 人說某話,做某事別有用心,另有企圖 gripe v.絞痛,腹痛 [to suffer pain in the bowels.] v.【口】抱怨,發牢騷 [ Informal. to complain naggingly or constantly; grumble.] 字源:gripe 與 grip常常有人記不清楚兩者的字意,其實只要瞭解字的發展就可以很好 吸收唷,grip的意思是抓緊的意思,而gripe的意思就是指"腸被抓緊了",所以借指"絞痛 ,腹痛",後來演變成口語中的"抱怨,發牢騷" gripping adj.吸引住人的 [capable of arousing and holding the attention] ex. gripping stories 扣人心弦的故事 adj.握的 ps. gripping power 抓地力 *抱怨系列 gripe v.抱怨 // grip v.抓緊 grouch n/v.抱怨 grouse v.抱怨 grumble v.抱怨 *抓住系列 grasp n/v.抓住、領會 grasping adj.貪心的 grip v.抓緊 // gripe v.抱怨 gripping adj.引起人注意的 grisly adj.恐怖的、可怕的 [causing a shudder or feeling of horror; horrible; gruesome] ex. a night of grisly dreams reveiw:以gr開頭的字,隱含「緊憋或緊張」 grisly gruesome gristle n.軟骨 [cartilage, esp. in meats.] ex. chewing life's gristle, don't grumble (from "Always Look On The Bright Side") 字源:O.E. gristle "cartilage," related to grost "gristle," gristle是在中世紀的英文中被創造出的,gristle就是cartilage的意思。 grit n.砂礫 [Minute rough granules, as of sand or stone.] ex. a piece of grit in my shoe. n.膽量 [Informal Indomitable spirit; pluck.] ex. Mountaineering in a blizzard needs a lot of grit. 在暴風雪中登山需要極大的膽量. v.咬緊(牙) [To clamp (the teeth) together.] 字源:Middle English gret, from Old English grēot."sand, dust, earth, gravel" grit最先指的是"sand, dust, stone"一類的東西,可以追尋於古英文的greot這個字, 後來在美語中有rough的意思,而發展成膽量的意思唷 音:近似great 如果你有勇氣(grit),我就會誇你great﹗ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
fishtom :看完推~~~ 04/10 20:19
fishtom : 感謝x大的付出 04/10 20:20
Hjordis :推推推~辛苦了!!最近開始從頭看收穫很多~感謝x大 04/11 16:45