精華區beta GRE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22926401 list 18 開始 ------------------------------------- grain n.穀粒 [ A small, dry, one-seeded fruit of a cereal grass, having the fruit and the seed walls united] ex. After harvest we store the grain. 秋收之後,我們把糧食儲存了起來。 n.粒,細粒(ex.砂,鹽) [A relatively small discrete particulate or crystalline mass] ex. a grain of sand. ps. grain還可以指木,石,織物等的紋理 granite n.花崗石 [a coarse-grained igneous rock(火成岩) composed chiefly of orthoclase(正長石) and albite feldspars and of quartz(石英), usually with lesser amounts of one or more other minerals, as mica, hornblende, or augite.] 字源:1646, from Fr. granit(e), from It. granito "granite," originally "grained," pp. of granire "granulate," from grano "grain," from L. granum "grain." granite這個字最最先的源頭是拉丁文的graum,它指的就是grain顆粒的意思,因為在花 崗岩上有很多顆粒,因為有這個特徵,所以就用graum來造出了這個字了。 ps. 字尾-ite:a suffix of nouns denoting esp. persons associated with a place, tribe, leader, doctrine, system, etc. (Campbellite; Israelite; laborite); minerals and fossils (ammonite; anthracite); explosives (cordite; dynamite); chemical compounds, esp. salts of acids whose names end in -ous (phosphite; sulfite); pharmaceutical and commercial products (vulcanite); a member or component of a part of the body (somite). 如果你看到-ite是個名詞尾, 1.它可以指的是人且由字根來形容此人,比方說 Israelite以色列人。israel 2.另外ite做結尾可以指礦物、化石等相關概念的東西。 3.其他的用法可指炸藥、化學物質之類的。 grandeur grand(great)-eur(=er) n.宏偉,壯觀 [the quality or state of being impressive or awesome] ex. the grandeur of the Alps(阿爾卑斯山脈). grandeur <> frivolous adj.輕佻的 grandiose grand(great)-i-ose(full of) adj.誇張的 [affectedly grand or important; pompous] adj.浮誇地宏偉的 [more complicated or elaborate than necessary; overblown] ex. grandiose plans that never work -ose字尾:a suffix occurring in adjectives borrowed from Latin, meaning 「 full of,」 「abounding in,」 「given to,」 「like」 -ose是個形容詞字尾,是來自於拉丁文,有"full of"的意思 grandstand grand-stand n.大看台(有棚的那種) [A roofed stand for spectators at a stadium or racetrack.] v.譁眾取寵 [to conduct oneself or perform showily or ostentatiously in an attempt to impress onlookers] ex. The senator doesn't hesitate to grandstand if it makes her point. grandstand:impress=equivocate:deceive 譁眾取寵是為了留下印象=含糊其詞是為了欺騙 grant v.給予,授予 [ to bestow or confer, esp. by a formal act] v.同意 [to agree or accede to] ex. He granted me my request. 他答應了我的要求。 n.給予之物(ex.獎學金) [something granted, as a privilege or right, a sum of money, or a tract of land] graphic graph(write; draw)-ic adj.繪畫的 [ pertaining to the use of diagrams, graphs, mathematical curves, or the like] ps. graphic card 顯示卡 graphite graph(write; draw)-ite n.【礦】石墨 ps. 因為graphite可以用來寫,所以用graph字根來構成此字,字尾ite代表礦物 GR音如壓擠聲,以gr開頭的字,隱含「緊憋或緊張」 grasp v.抓住 [To take hold of or seize firmly with or as if with the hand.] ex. The little girl grasped her mother's arm. 小女孩抓住了她母親的手臂。 v.領會 [To take hold of intellectually; comprehend] ex. I don't grasp your meaning. 我不懂你的意思。 n.抓住;領會 ps. grab vs. grasp grab有「掠奪、抓取」之意,grasp則指是「抓牢、抱緊、領會、理解」,所以,在強調 佔領奪取時用grab,若僅是抓牢某件事或領會某個道理,則用grasp grasping adj.緊緊抓住的 adj.貪婪的 [greedy; avaricious] ex. those grasping taxi drivers overcharge me. 先來看一個整理吧 **字根grate當pleasing"感激、滿意" 解時 [from 拉丁文gratus == pleasing ] grateful a.感激的 gratitude n.感激 ingrate n/a.忘恩的 // in-grat-iate v.逢迎討好 in-grat-iating a.逢迎討好的 gratify v.使滿意、使高興 gratification n.滿意、高興 [ the state of being gratified ] gratuity n.小費 [小費代表感激] gratuitous a.無緣無故的 [小費並不是一定要付的,引申成無緣無故] gratis a.不付款的、免費的 ---------------------------------------- 不當字根時 grate v.嘎吱磨碎,使人煩躁 [from 古法文 grater<--希臘文 kratzen(scratch)] grating adj.聲音刺耳的、惱人的 ---------------------------------------- grate v.磨碎 [To reduce to fragments, shreds, or powder by rubbing against an abrasive surface] ex. Grate the carrot finely into small pieces. 把胡蘿蔔擦成細絲 v.嘎吱作響 [to make a sound of, or as if of, rough scraping] ex. 用指甲抓金屬,就會嘎吱作響 ex. The teacher's chalk grated on the blackboard. 老師的粉筆在黑板上發出刺耳的摩擦聲。 v.使人煩躁 [to have an irritating or unpleasant effect] ex. His constant chatter grates on my nerves. n.爐柵or壁爐(比較常見的使用方法,但..不考) ps.在物理中還可以當光柵optical grating 字源:from 古法文 grater<--希臘文kratzen(scratch) grating adj.咯吱作響的;刺耳的 adj.令人煩躁的 grateful grate(pleasing)-ful adj.感激的 [Appreciative of benefits received; thankful.] ex. I am grateful to have you help gratify grate(pleasing)-ify v.使滿意、使高興 [To please or satisfy] ex. His achievement gratified his father. gratify <> aggrieve v.使苦惱 gratification grat-ification n.滿意、高興 [ the state of being gratified; great satisfaction.] ex. His success is a great gratification to us. 他的成功對我們是一大喜事。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
fishtom :推 感謝 04/07 23:02
peterluo :推~~ 感謝!! 04/08 09:33
kazutaka :感謝!! 04/09 12:26