精華區beta GRE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22326968 今天剛錄音出來的唷.. 不過文是過年前好久寫的 也祝您有個好的一年 xination的工作日誌與紅寶教學說明頁 http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22017407 --------------------------------------------------------- elaborate ex-labor(work)-ate v.精心製作 [ work out with great care and nicety of detail] v.詳細說明 [to add details to; expand.] ex.比方解說細部汽車的結構 adj.精心製作的 adj.詳盡的 elaboration ex-labor-ation n.精心製作,.詳細說明 elated ex-lat(carry)-ed adj.得意揚揚的;興高采烈的 [very happy or proud; in high spirits] ex. an elated winner of a contest. elbow n.手肘 n.肘狀物 v.用手肘推 from ell(L形的東西) + bow(n.弓 v.弄彎) elbow:joint=heart:organ 肘是關節=心臟是器官 elegy n.哀詩 [ a mournful, melancholy, or plaintive poem] 哀悼某人死亡的詩,或是指的是像似的詞曲 ex. 祭十二郎文 聯想: e + leg +y: a pome cause sorrow, and make you can't ex your leg. ps1. elegiac [elegyi-ac] ajd.哀詩的 ps2. dirge n.輓歌 elementary element(n.元素)-ary adj.初級的 elephantine elephant-ine adj.(似)象的 [pertaining to or resembling an elephant.] adj.巨大的;笨拙的 [ huge, ponderous, or clumsy] ps. bovine adj.牛的 -ine: a suffix of adjectives of Greek or Latin origin, meaning 「of or pertaining to,」 「of the nature of,」 「made of,」 「like」: crystalline; equine. elevate ex-lev(raise)-e v.舉起;抬起 [ to move or raise to a higher place or position; lift up.] ex. He was elevated to the post of prime minister. (按:比較比喻的用法) ps. alleviate v.減輕;緩和 elevator n.升降機、電梯 ps. escalator n.手扶梯 elicit ex-licit(entice, lure誘使) v.引出;誘出 [To bring or draw out (something latent); educe.] ex. to elicit a positive response ps.exlicit from L. elicitus, 它是 elicere的變化型,這個字的licere就是只entice 的意思 ps2.有同樣的字型但來源不一樣 licit adj.合法的 [ from L. licitus "lawful," prp. of licere "be allowed, be lawful."] solicit v.請求;懇求 [ from sollicitus "agitated," from sollus "whole, entire" + citus "aroused," pp. of ciere "shake, excite, set in motion] eligible ex-lig(leg; choose)-ble adj. 有資格(被選出)的[ fit or proper to be chosen] ex. He is eligible for retirement. ex. eligible for Noble Prize adj.合適的,合意的(尤指婚姻等) [Desirable and worthy of choice, especially for marriage] ex. she merried an eligible bachelor(單身漢). ps. bachelor [1297, "youthful knight, novice in arms,"] n.學士(大學畢業者) n.單身男子 [an unmarried man.] eliminate ex-limin(limit;threshold門檻)-ate v.排除,消除 [ to remove or get rid of] ex. to eliminate the bus services v.(比賽中)淘汰 ex.Our team was eliminated from the competition in the first round. elite n.精英;優秀分子 [The best or most skilled members of a group] -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
comlcs :推 非常感謝 02/02 19:33
seaxrrz :加油 感謝~ 02/03 00:31
jack2030 :推!!! 02/03 09:37
comlcs :推,非常詳細 02/05 04:16