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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22326981 阿 來晚了 xination的工作日誌與紅寶教學說明頁 http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22017407 ---------------------------------------------------- ellipsis n.[文法] 省略 (省略某字後句子的意思仍然很清楚) [el=en(使) + lip(leave離開) + sis ] ex. I look the people (who are) sitting there. ellipse n.橢圓 (x2/a2) + (y2/b2) = 1 [這個字是從ellipsis而來的,因為橢圓形狀的原故] n.[古義]ellipsis elliptic adj.橢圓的 adj.[文法]省略的 adj.言語過簡而難懂的 elliptical = elliptic ---------------------------------------- ellipsis [el=en(使) + lip(leave離開) + sis ] n.[文法] 省略 (省略某字後句子的意思仍然很清楚) ex. I look the people (who are) sitting there. parenthesis:explanation=ellipsis:omission 括號表示解釋=省略號表示省略 elliptical adj.橢圓的 adj.[文法]省略的 adj.言語過簡而難懂的 [ (of speech or writing) expressed with extreme or excessive economy] elliptical <> palpable adj.可觸知的,明顯的 elm n.榆樹 ---------------------------------------- 字根locut、loqu是說的意思(雖然locut較少) elocution n.演說術 (在演講中風格、用詞和表達的藝術 ) = oratory eloquence n.雄辯、能言善道 [Persuasive, powerful discourse.] eloquent adj.雄辯的、能言善道的 [例如諸葛亮的雄辯] interlocutor n. 對話者 locution n.獨特的措辭、慣用語 = idiom ---------------------------------------- elocution e(=ex-)-locut(speek)-ion n.演說術 (在演講中風格、用詞和表達的藝術 ) = oratory [the study and practice of oral delivery, including the control of both voice and gesture.] 例如說,手勢、腔調 ex. 國文朗讀 = Chinese elocution "The Art of War Chapter 1" eloquence ex-loqu(speak)-ence n.雄辯、能言善道 [Persuasive, powerful discourse.] ex. 例如諸葛亮的雄辯 事實勝於雄辯-->Truth is better than the eloquence. elongate ex(out)-long-ate v.伸長;延長 [ to draw out to greater length] ex. elongate the muscle, elongate the time. elucidate ex-lucid(clear)-ate v.闡明;說明 [To make clear or plain, especially by explanation; clarify.] abet:encouragement=elucidate:clarity 教唆的目的是鼓勵=闡明的目的是使清晰 ps. lucid from light lucid adj.清楚易懂的 [easily understood] adj.透明的 lucidity n.清楚易懂 n..透明的 limpid adj.透明的 (可以指文意暢達的) elude ex-lud(play)-e v.巧妙地逃避 [to avoid or escape by speed, cleverness, trickery, etc; evade] ex. to elude capture. v.(比喻)搞不清 [to escape the understanding, difficult to define or describe] ex. The answer eludes me. elusive ex-lus-ive [play the tricky out of capture-->巧妙地逃避] adj.逃避的,不好抓到的 [Tending to elude capture, perception, comprehension, or memory ] ex. In London late-night taxis are elusive and very expensive. adj.難以解釋的,難以記起的 [Difficult to define or describe] ex. we all know the result of success, while the process is often elusive. elusion n.巧妙地逃避 [the act of eluding] n.比喻)搞不清 emaciate v.使衰弱,使消瘦 [To make or become extremely thin, especially as a result of starvation.] ex.影養不良或得了不治之症 emaciate 人 聯想:ex +mac +iate: 為了買mac,一天只吃一餐,身體逐漸衰弱 emaciation emaciate-ion n.消瘦;憔悴 [ abnormal thinness caused by lack of nutrition or by disease.] emanate ex-man(hand)-ate [放手] v. 發出,散發 (ex. 氣體,光)[To come or send forth, as from a source] ex. light that emanated from a lamp ex. a stove that emanated a steady heat ps. lamp n.燈 [p比較像燈的形狀] lamb n.小羊 emancipate ex-man(hand)-cip(take)-ate v.解放;使不受束縛 [To free from bondage, oppression, or restraint] ex. emancipate somebody from slavery 補充:林肯 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: