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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22348308 這是昨晚錄的 不過當時腦袋脹脹的 好像講的有失邏輯...冏rz 請見諒 xination的工作日誌與紅寶教學說明頁 http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22017407 ------------------------------------------------- embroider en-broid(braid)-er v.刺繡 ps. braid v.編成辮子 embroidery n.刺繡 emend e-mend v.校訂 ex. emend a passage in a book 校正書中的一段. ---------------------------------------- emerge系列 merge v.使(公司等)合併 [原指to plunge or sink in,意謂者absorption吸收 的意思 ] emerge v.浮現、出現 [ex- (out) + merge (to sink) 原指從水面浮出] emerg-ence n.浮現、出現 [the act or process of emerging.] emerg-ent adj.緊急的 emerg-ency n.緊急事件 [原指unforeseen occurrence;不知道那時候浮出來的] [A serious situation or occurrence that happens unexpectedly and demands immediate action] c.f. emergency An emergency is a situation demanding immediate action: EX. A power failure created an emergency in transportation. crisis A crisis is a vital or decisive turning point in a condition or state of affairs, and everything depends on the outcome of it: EX.Help arrived when affairs had reached a crisis. ---------------------------------------- emergency e-merg-ency n.緊急事件 [原指unforeseen occurrence;不知道那時候浮出來的] ex.A power failure created an emergency in transportation. emigrate e-migr(move)-ate v.移居外國 [to leave one country or region to settle in another; migrate] ex. Albert Einstein emigrated from Germany to the United States. ps. immigrate eminent & eminence eminent e-min(突出)-ent adj.出眾的,卓越的 [Outstanding, as in character or performance; distinguished] ex. an eminent scientist. ps. prominent adj.凸出的 ex. a prominent nose adj.顯著的;著名的 eminence e-min-ence n.出眾的,卓越的 ex. A leader's eminence does not imply a right to impose his will on his peers. n.閣下,大人(天主教對紅衣主教的尊稱) 大寫 emissary e-miss(send)-ary n.特使 [An agent sent on a mission to represent or advance the interests of another.] 同義詞(看你認得幾個): agent, ambassador,consul, delegate, envoy, herald, legate, messenger, representative emit e-mit(send) v.散發,放射 emollient n.面速力達母;小護士 [having the power of softening or relaxing, as a medicinal substance; soothing, esp. to the skin] emollient:soothe 緩和劑用來緩和 ps. mollify v.緩和;減輕 emote e-mot(=move)-e v.表現感情(ex.舞臺上的表演) [To express emotion, especially in an excessive or theatrical manner] ex. The more she emotes, the less he listens, and the less he listens, the more strident and emotive she becomes ps. emotion n.感情 empathy en-path(feeling)-y n.同理心 [Identification with and understanding of another's situation, feelings, and motives.] ex. a strange empathy between the old lady and her grandson. emphasis & emphasize & emphatic emphasis en-phas(=phat, phan;show)-is n.強調,重視 ex. puts emphasis on sth ps1. ~t + is = ~sis ps2. phan,phen ==show phenomenon emphasize v.強調,重視 emphatic en-phat(=phan;show)-ic adj.強調的,著重的 ex. an emphatic tone -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
jack2030 :頭推! 02/07 09:29
N42 :push for the hard work!! 02/07 13:12
DOOT :推 02/07 14:37
seaxrrz :推 02/07 15:23
comlcs :推! 02/07 22:12
peterluo :推!! 02/08 21:56
sawout :推XDDD 02/10 11:46
xination :XD sawout我認識你 02/10 19:08