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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22348336 mp3是早上錄的 文稿是3天前寫的 腦袋承襲者昨天的暈眩 冏rz.. 好像有點口齒不清 請見諒 這頁我寫了很久 該死的 emulsion 害我查了很久..XD xination的工作日誌與紅寶教學說明頁 http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22017407 -------------------------------------------------- empiric & empirical & empiricism empiric n.經驗主義者 (或指的江湖醫生,比如認為吃一些昆蟲有什麼療效的醫生) adj.以經驗(或觀察)為依據的=emprical empirical adj.以經驗(或觀察)為依據的 [derived from or guided by experience or experiment.] ex. empirical evidence 字源:1569, from L. empiricus, from Gk. empeirikos "experienced," from empeiria "experience," from empeiros "skilled," from en- "in" + peira "trial, experiment." Originally a school of ancient physicians who based their practice on experience rather than theory. ps1. empirical experience experiment ps2. theoretic= theoretical adj.理論上的 empiricism em-piric(trial)-ism n.經驗主義 ps.洛克主張人的心原本是白紙 empower em-power v.授權,准許 ex. Congress is empowered to levy taxes. 國會被授權徵稅。 ex. The law empowered the police to search private houses. 法律使警察得以搜查私人住宅。 empyreal & empyrean empyreal en-pyr(fire)-eal adj.最高天的 [ pertaining to the highest heaven in the cosmology of the ancients.] 字義是從pure fire or light,而轉化成heaven empyrean em-pry-eal-an n.最高天的 ps. pyre n.火葬用的柴堆 emulate emul-ate v.傚法且盡力趕上 [to try to equal or excel; imitate with effort to equal or surpass] ex. Sons are traditionally expected to emulate their fathers. 聯想:e + mule + ate-->騎騾趕上 ps1. emulator n.模擬器 ex.在電腦上用ps2的模擬器玩ps2的遊戲 ps2. emule 一個p2p軟體名稱;電騾 emulsion & emulsify emulsion e-muls(milk)-ion n.乳狀液 n.乳劑 [A suspension of small globules(小滴) of one liquid in a second liquid with which the first will not mix] from wiki的解釋:乳劑是一相液體以液滴狀態分散於另一相液體中形成的非均相液體分 散體系 emulsify e-muls(milk)-ify v.使乳化 [to make into or form an emulsion.] ex. soap can emulsify oils and hold dirt in suspension. enact en-act v.制定法律 [To make into law] ex. To enact a law or regulation. ps. act 這邊的意思是法案 enamel n.琺瑯 [a substance like glass which can be heated and put onto metal, glass, or pottery in order to decorate or protect it.] n.(牙齒的)琺瑯質 [the hard white substance that forms the outer part of a tooth.] 聯想: e + name +l :把名字寫在琺瑯上 be enamored of en-am(love)or v.使迷戀(通常用被動態) [To inspire with love] ex. was enamored of the beautiful dancer enchant en-chant(cant;sing) v.使著魔,對...用魔法 [ to subject to magical influence】 v.使陶醉;使入迷 encapsulate en-capsule-ate v.將...裝入膠囊 [ to place in a capsule.] v.摘要 [to summarize or condense.] review capsule n.【藥】膠囊 n.【植】莢 enclosure en-clos(close)-ure n.圍住 [The act or state of enclosing.] ex. The enclosure of public land meant that ordinary people couldn't use it. n.圈地;圍場 [Something enclosed] encomium n. 讚辭[a formal expression of high praise; eulogy, panegyric] ex. An encomium by the President greeted the returning hero. ex.比方說總統讚揚成功歸航的太空人的讚辭就是encomium 字源:Greek enkomion 'eulogy' eu代表好的意思 比方說優生學 eugenics encomiast encomium-ast n.宣讀或寫作頌辭之人;讚美者 [A person who delivers or writes an encomium; a eulogist.] -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
jack2030 :頭髮推^^ 02/08 07:06
sx4rockman :推推 有看有推 02/08 17:53