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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22348348 這page比較短 xination的工作日誌與紅寶教學說明頁 http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22017407 -------------------------------------- encompass en-compass v.包圍 [To form a circle or ring around; surround] ex. The enemy encompassed the city. ex. The course will encompass physics, chemistry and biology. review compass com-pass(from L.pāssus = pace) n.指南針 n.範圍 ex. the broad compass of the novel. n.音域範圍 [the total range of tones of a voice or of a musical instrument.] v.理解 [to comprehend as with the mind] ex.His mind could not compass the extent of the disaster. encounter v.意外地遇見 [ A meeting, especially one that is unplanned, unexpected] ex. he encounters his ex girlfriend in the supermarket. v.遇到(困難,危險等) encroach en-croach(=crook;hook) v.侵入;侵佔 [To take another's possessions or rights gradually or stealthily] ex.to encroach on a neighbor's land. review crook n.彎曲的東西; 曲柄杖 v.使彎曲,使成鉤形 crook v.使彎曲 cook v.煮 (煮太久就彎了) crochet croch(=crook) +et n.鉤針編織品 v.用鉤針編織 encumber en-cumb(lie down)-er v.妨礙;拖累 [To hinder or impede the action or performance of] ex. They would interrupt and encumber me. encumber <> remove impediment encyclopedia en-cycl(ring)-o-ped(child,education)-ia n.百科全書=encyclopaedia[ A comprehensive reference work containing articles on a wide range of subjects or on numerous aspects of a particular field] endearing en-dear-ing adj.可愛的 [ tending to make dear or beloved.] ex. She is always wearing an endearing smile. ps. endear v.使受喜愛 ex. Her kindness endeared her to everyone. endemic en-dem(people)-ic adj.地方性的(常用來形容疾病) [natural to or characteristic of a specific people or place] adj.【生態系】地方特有種 endemic <> foreign ps1. democracy [dem-o-cracy] n.民主制度 ps2. pandemic [pan(all)-dem-ic] adj.全國流行的(疾病) epidemic [epi(upon)-dem-ic] adj.流行性傳染病 (快速、範圍大) endorse en-dors(back)-e v.背在(發票、票據等)背面簽名,背書 ex. Many senators endorsed the new bill. ex. She has already endorsed the check. review dorsal dors(back)-al adj.背部的 (ex.魚背部的) [ of, pertaining to, or situated at the back] ex. a dolphin's dorsal fin. endow en-dow(from donate;give) v.資助 [to provide with a fund or source] ex. endow this university v.賦予 ex. Nature endowed her with a beautiful singing voice. 聯想: en + dow(n) endow:income=endorse:approval 捐贈獲得收入=背書獲得同意 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
peterluo :大推! 02/08 21:58
potpot :大推,可以一邊作實驗一邊背單字了 02/09 17:14