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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22348366 早背早經鬆 xination的工作日誌與紅寶教學說明頁 http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22017407 ------------------- endure en-dur(last,harden)-e [be firm 使堅強] v.忍耐,忍受 [To carry on through, despite hardships] ex. to endure a toothache.(不把痛拿走,而持續的忍耐) v.持久,持續 ex. The story ranks among classics, and will endure for certain. en-dure v.忍耐 in-durate v.變堅固、變硬 [Cold indurates the soil.] ob-durate v.頑固 (ob-做against解) enduring en-dur-ing adj.持久的;耐久的 [lasting] ex. a poet of enduring greatness. enervate e-nerv(神經;來源是腱)-ate v.使失去活力;使衰弱 [To weaken or destroy the strength or vitality of] ex. A hot climate enervate people. enfeeble en-feeble v.使衰弱;使無力 [to make feeble; weaken] ps. feeble adj.虛弱的,衰弱的(可形容身體、性格、等等) enervate[enfeeble]:vigor 削弱導致沒有活力 enfetter en-fetter v.上腳鐐 [To bind in fetters; enchain.] fetter n.腳鐐 (fet = feet) cuff n.手銬 n.袖口 v.打一巴掌 enflame en-flame 此字極為少見;大多字典都用inflame這個字 就把這個字忘了吧! ps. inflame in-flame(n.火焰) v.使燃燒、;使憤怒 v.【醫】使發炎 review engage en-gage(pledge) [ps. gage 中古代的手套,騎士在戰鬥的時候,會丟下手套,表示接受挑戰的象徵;意及 一種pledge] v.佔用(時間,精力等) [to occupy the attention or efforts of (a person or persons)] ex. The book engaged my full attention. v.忙於 v.雇聘 ex. They engaged a cook for the summer. v.交戰 ex. Our army engaged the enemy. v.保證 ex. I am willing to engage on such terms. v.訂婚 ex. They were engaged last week. engaged adj.忙於...的;從事...的 ex. He is engaged in his business. engaging adj.迷人的;有魅力的 (使人投入時間的) ex. an engaging smile engender en-gen(生)-der v.使產生 [ to produce,give rise to] ex. Pity engendered love. 憐憫產生了愛情。 engrave en-grave v.雕刻;將...銘記 [ to chase (letters, designs, etc.) on a hard surface, as of metal, stone] ps. grave n.墓穴 v.雕刻 adj.嚴肅的 ex.Her face became very grave. engross en-gross v.使全神貫注 [ to occupy completely, as the mind or attention] ex. Their discussion engrossed his attention. v.用大字體書寫 [to write or copy in a clear, attractive, large script or in a formal manner, as a public document or record] ex. to engross a deed. ps. gross adj.總的(比方說總收入gross income--但未減去要繳的稅) adj.顯著的,十足的 n.總額 字源:c.1347, from O.Fr. gros "big, thick, coarse," from L.L. grossus "thick, coarse (of food or mind)," engulf en-gulf v.捲入;吞沒 [to swallow up in or as in a gulf] ex. The flood engulfed the farms ps. gulf n.海灣 persian enhance en-hance(high) v.提高 [ to raise to a higher degree; intensify; magnify] ex. Passing the English examination should enhance your chances of getting the post. haughty n.高傲的,傲慢 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
comlcs :推推 02/12 21:32