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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22439391 這頁花了不少工夫 請慢慢品嘗吧 xination的工作日誌與紅寶教學說明頁 http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22017407 -------------------------------- enmity enem-ity n.敵意 [a feeling or condition of hostility; hatred; animosity] ex. have enmity against ps1. enem ==敵意 en(in;這邊做否定型用)-em(=am;love) ps2. enemy [enem-y] n.敵人 inimical [inim-ical] n.有敵意的 ex. Habits inimical to good health. ennui n.倦怠;無聊 [a feeling of being tired, bored, and dissatisfied.] ex. The endless lecture produced an unbearable ennui. 字源:1667, from O.Fr. enui "annoyance," enormity & enormous enormity e-norm(normal;正常)-ity n.窮兇極惡 [A monstrous offense or evil; an outrage.] n.巨大,深遠(用來比喻問題、困難) ex. He was anxious about the enormity of the task ahead. review egregious adj.非常的;極壞的 enormous adj.巨大的 [ greatly exceeding the common size, extent, etc.; huge] ex. an enormous fortune. enrage en-rage v.使憤怒 [To put into a rage] ex. His supercilious attitude enraged me. ps. rage n/v.盛怒 enrapture en-rapt(snatch)-ure v.使著迷,狂喜 [to move to rapture; delight beyond measure] ex. We were enraptured by her singing. ---------------------------------------- 字根 rap rav == snatch 抓住 、搶奪 rapt rape v.強姦、搶劫 rap-acious adj.強奪的、貪婪的 rap-scallion n.流氓(小混混、不誠實沒道德的人) rapt a.著迷的,狂喜的 [已經被美女擄獲走心靈] rapt-ure n.著迷、狂喜 ex. He fell into raptures over classic music. en-raptrue v.使著迷,使狂喜 ravish v.迷人、使銷魂 [帶有點邪氣的那種迷人] v.強姦 ravish-ing adj.迷人的、使銷魂的 ex. jewels of ravishing beauty raven v.狼吞虎嚥地吃 n.大烏鴉 adj.黑色的 raven-ous adj.狼吞虎嚥的、餓極了的 rav-age v.使荒蕪、毀壞 ---------------------------------------- ensconce en-sconce(scond;fortication) v.安頓下來 ex. We have ensconce ourselves in the most beautiful villa in the south of france. 我們在法國南部最美麗的別墅裡安頓下來 v.使隱藏 ex. He ensconced himself in the closet in order to eavesdrop. ps. sconce n.(裝於牆上)突出的燭臺 /*conceal, scond*/ n.築壘 [a small detached fort or defense work, as to defend a pass, bridge, etc.] ensemble en-semble n.【音】合奏,合唱 [the united performance of an entire group of singers, musicians, etc] ex. a string ensemble. n.整體 [all the parts of a thing taken together, so that each part is considered only in relation to the whole.] ex.The nation is an ensemble of political and social structures. n.一套衣服、一套家具 ex. The coat, hat, and shoes make an attractive ensemble. assemble v.集合,召集 dissemble v.掩飾;假裝 ensemble n.【音】合奏 n.總效果 ensign en-sign [使成為標誌->軍旗] n.軍旗(表示國籍用) [ a flag or banner, as a military or naval standard used to indicate nationality.] n.【美】海軍少尉 ensue en-sue(=sequ) v.接著發生 [ to follow in order] ex. After the heavy rains, floods ensued. ps1. sue v.控告(要求補償之類的) [To institute proceedings against (a person) for redress of grievances.] ex. She sued the company for racial discrimination. v.請求[To make an appeal or entreaty] ex. The boy sued the police for mercy. v.向...求婚,求愛 [woo, court] sue=sequ;follow sue是控告之意,控告別人一定是follow在別人後面說他不是 所以ensue有en+follow-->接者發生 ps2. 比較: prosecute v.控告 [跟者前面的那人身後說不是] persecute v.迫害 [完完全全地跟隨在被害人的後面--->迫害] ensure en-sure [使sure] v.保證 [to make certain] ex. This medicine will ensure you a good night's sleep. entail en-tail(cut,or 尾巴) v.限定繼承(把遺產給特定的後代子孫) [To limit the inheritance of (property) to a specified succession of heirs] v.需承擔 [to impose, or require as a necessary accompaniment or consequence] ex. The investment entailed a high risk. ex. Success entails hard work. n.限定繼承 = fee tail ps. tail == cut retail n.零售 [ the sale of goods to ultimate consumers, usually in small quantities] <> wholesale n.批發 tailor n.裁縫師 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
kazutaka :推,謝謝分享^ ^ 02/14 23:43