精華區beta GRE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22486759 我也來說說GRE單字與TOEFL單字的關係吧 基本上兩者要求的單字方向的不太一樣的 GRE你要知道的是"單一個"字的字義 TOEFL中單字要能聽說讀寫 聽力的單字範圍 與 說的範圍 或者 閱讀的單字範圍又不一樣了 在GRE中 我建議是由背字彙書來準備 因為這些字是出現頻率較低的 (不然就是考 較偏的字義 很討厭) 但不是說沒有唷 報紙中也會出現的 在TOEFL中 我比較建議由閱讀中學習單字 因為實際要考難一點單字也只在閱讀中嗎 而且一篇只有四題不到 而且還可以從上下文去猜 就一個背完紅寶的我而言 是不是就無敵了呢 老實說 我還是需要不斷的查字典耶 還是有很多單字我沒看過的 不過 當有一定經驗累積後 吸收這些新單字的速度就快多了 不想寫太長 以後再慢慢談吧 --------------------------------------- extrapolate extra(outside)-pol(akin to polish)-ate [其實是由 extra-(inter)polate組合而成] v.推斷 [to infer (an unknown) from something that is known; conjecture.] ex. We don't know the exact figure for forest damage, but we can extrapolate from the sample surveys. 我們不知道森林破壞的精確數字,但是我們可以從抽樣的測量來推算。 v. 外推法(或稱外插法) ps. interpolate v.插入文字 字源:1612 (implied in interpolation) "to alter or enlarge (a writing) by inserting new material," from L. interpolatus, pp. of interpolare "alter, freshen up, falsify," from inter- "up" + polare, related to polire "to smoothe, polish." Sense evolved in L. from "refurbish," to "alter appearance of," to "falsify (especially by adding new material)." interpolate的字義來源是插入一個新的材料才使變大或改變,這邊的pol是polish的意思 ,是指磨光打亮之義。想表達的想法是加入個新材料就可以使它看似磨光打亮而變大變好 ,後來就引申成插入文字囉。 extravagance extra-vaga(走)-ance n.奢侈 [excessive or unnecessary expenditure or outlay of money] ex. to avoid extravagance. n.鋪張浪費之舉;奢侈品 [Something extravagant; luxury] ex. Food is a necessity, but wine is an extravagance. ps. vaga = vagr == wander vagrant adj.流浪的;漂泊不定的 vagabond n.流浪者;浪子 extremist extreme-ist n.極端主義者;過激分子 [a person who goes to extremes, esp. in political matters.] ex. The bomb was planted by right-wing extremists. 這顆炸彈是右翼極端分子放置的。 台聯 maybe extricate ex-tric(糾纏、混亂)-ate v.使擺脫;解救 [ to free or release from entanglement; disengage, disentangle] ex. to extricate someone from a dangerous situation. ps.1 intricate [ in-tric-ate] adj.複雜精細的 ps.2 trickery [trick-ery] n.詭計 [其實也可以用複雜去背啦,但是trick真的源頭是欺 騙] extricable ex-tric(糾纏、混亂)-able v.擺脫得了的;可解救的 [capable of being extricated.] extrovert extro(=extra)-vert(turn) [這個字亦也可以寫成extravert] n.個性外向的人 [an outgoing, gregarious person.] ex. She' s a good person to invite to a party because she' s such an extrovert. n.外向 extrovert:reserve 性格外向者不會含蓄 exuberant ex-uber(=udder ;引申為多產 )-ant ps.udder n.(母牛、母山羊等的)乳房 adj.生氣勃勃的(想成程度高的happy) [Full of unrestrained enthusiasm or joy.] ex. He did an exuberant backflip. 他做了一個充滿活力的後滾翻 adj.繁茂的 [produced abundantly; plentiful] adj.過度的 [Lavish; extravagant.] ex. exuberant compliments 過度的恭維 exuberance ex-uber-ance n.生氣勃勃 [the state of being exuberant.] n.繁茂 ex. an exuberance of foliage 茂盛的枝葉 exude ex-sud(汗)-e v.使滲出(通常以水珠的方式流出,像汗) [ to come out gradually in drops, as sweat, through pores or small openings; ooze out.] exude <> absorb -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
jack2030 : 頭髮尖端推!!! 02/23 22:13
yoruhoshi :感謝,推推~~ 02/24 14:39