精華區beta GRE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22504010 今天...牙齒痛痛的 (疑似臼齒阿..) ---------------------------------------------- faculty facil-ty [ps. facil 來自於facile 意為 easy to do] n.官能;技能 [ one of the inherent cognitive or perceptual powers of the mind ] ex. faculties of sight and hearing. ex. faculty for mathematics. ex. faculty of saying the right thing at the right time. n.全體教職員 [All of the members of a learned profession] fade v.逐漸消失 (聲音變微弱;光變暗淡) [To lose brightness, loudness, or brilliance gradually] v.凋謝 [To lose freshness; wither:] ex. The flowers faded for want of water. 花兒因缺水而凋謝了 v.顏色褪去 fad n.一時的流行 [ A fashion that is taken up with great enthusiasm for a brief period of time; a craze.] ex. 蛋塔 fade fad 一時的流行(fad)容易消逝(fade) faddish fad-ish adj.一時流行的 [like a fad.] falcon n.獵鷹、準 [A falcon is a bird of prey that can be trained to hunt other birds and animals. ] falcon n.獵鷹、準 fel..on n.重罪犯 (A 獵鷹是個重罪犯) felon 字根 fall = fals == 欺騙 deceive ex. false adj.不真實的;不誠實的;假的 fallacy fall(deceive)-acy n.謬論(欺騙性的言論) [a deceptive, misleading, or false notion, belief, statement] ex. It's a popular fallacy that success always brings happiness. 認為成功總是帶來幸福是一種普遍的謬論。 ex.之前人說"地球是平的"也是一種謬論 anachronism:chronology=fallacy:logic 年代錯誤是年代學中的錯誤=謬誤是邏輯學中的錯誤 fallacious fall(deceive)-acy-ous adj.謬論的 [containing a fallacy; logically unsound] ex. fallacious arguments. ex. fallacious proof fallacious <> sound adj.合理的 fallible fall(deceive)-ilbe adj.會犯錯的 [Capable of making an error] ex. Humans are fallible. ex. We are fallible beings. 我們都難免犯錯誤 fallibility fall-ibility (ible-ity) n.會犯錯 ex. the fallibility of human perceptions 人類感覺的不可靠性 falsehood false-hood n.謊言 [An untrue statement; a lie.] ex. Truth, if exaggerated, may become falsehood. 真理如加以誇張,可能成為謊言 -hood:a native English suffix denoting state, condition, character, nature, etc., or a body of persons of a particular character or class, formerly used in the formation of nouns: childhood; likelihood; knighthood; priesthood. -hood字尾是個名詞尾,是英文本身而來的,可以表示"狀態state"、"特質character" fallow adj.休耕的 [ (of land) plowed and left unseeded for a season or more; uncultivated.] ex. to leave the land fallow for a year. n.休耕地;休耕 為了要讓土壤能有時間培養養分,所以農夫會休耕 fallow n.休耕地 adj.休耕的 fellow n.夥伴 [沒有夥伴(fellow)一起幫忙,只好讓地休耕(fallow)了] fallow <> in use 在使用 falter v.蹣跚 [ to move unsteadily; stumble as from loss of courage or confidence] v.結巴地說話 [ to speak hesitatingly or brokenly.] ex. falter out one's thanks 結結巴巴地道謝 familiarity familiar-ity n.熟悉 [ thorough knowledge or mastery of a thing, subject] ex. Familiarity with German n.親近 [ the state of being familiar; intimacy] lack of familiarity <> conversance n.熟悉;精通 famine n.饑荒[wide-reaching food shortage.] ex. Drought has caused famine in Africa. 乾旱在非洲造成了饑荒。 拆字:famine --> far from the food of mine famish v.使挨餓 [to suffer or cause to suffer extreme hunger] ex. He was so famished that golden sparks danced before his eyes. 他餓得眼前直冒金花。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
sovereignty :molar (n) 臼齒 02/24 22:22