精華區beta GRE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22476847 打算一天來一句勵志的話語 (GRE是需要承受的心理壓力的呢) 猶記得當初我拿到紅寶書的時候 非常的喜悅 迫不及待的翻開書背單字 欲試楊鵬的方法 但等到背完最後一個單字時 我只靜靜的看著紅寶書 有太多辛酸與快樂混雜在一起 好像不知不覺中事情就經過了這麼多了 那種感覺是一定要親身體驗過的人才會知道的 ---------------------------------------------- exaggerate ex-ag-ger(carry)-ate v.誇張,誇大 [ to magnify beyond the limits of truth; overstate] ex. He exaggerated the importance of the event. 他誇大了這事件的重要性。 ps. ger = gest = carry; agger= pile up, heap 推太多了就變成了誇張,ex.粉塗太多了 exaggeration ex-ag-ger-ation n.誇張,誇大 ex. I can say without exaggeration that she is an angel. 我可以毫不誇張地說她是個天使 exalt ex-alt(high) v.使升高 [ to raise in rank, honor, power, character, quality, etc] ex. He was exalted to the position of president. ex.Works of art that exalt the imagination. 能增強人們想像力的藝術作品 v.頌揚,讚揚 [to praise; extol] ps. altitude [alt-itude] n.高度;海拔 exasperate ex(加強語氣)-asper(rough)-ate v.使惱怒;激怒 [to irritate or provoke to a high degree; annoy extremely] ex. To exasperate as the thunder 暴躁如雷 比方說,你有急事要處理,但服務員卻一直不理你,服務員 exasperates you. ps. asperity [asper-ity] n.粗暴 可以這樣記[a無,sper希望→無希望→態度粗暴] exasperate <> mollify v.平息 excavate ex-cave(hollow;洞)-ate v.挖掘(穴、洞等) [To make a hole in; hollow out] v.發掘(古物等) [To expose or uncover by or as if by digging] ex. to excavate an archaeological site. ps. cavern n.大洞穴 字根 ced cess == go走、yield讓步 ceed exceed ex-ceed(go) v.超出 [ to go beyond in quantity, degree, rate, etc.] ex. to exceed the speed limit. v.勝過 [to surpass; be superior to; excel] ex. Her performance exceeded all the others. excess ex-cess n.超出 [The state of exceeding what is normal or sufficient] ex. rains that filled the reservoirs to excess. n.超出量 [An amount or quantity beyond what is normal or sufficient; a surplus.] n.過度,無節制(飲食等的) [Intemperance; overindulgence] ex. drank to excess. n.過分的行為 [A behavior or an action that exceeds proper or lawful bounds] ex. The excesses committed by the invaders will never be forgotten. 人們永遠不會忘記侵略軍犯下的暴行。 ---------------------------------------- except v.除外... exception n.例外 exceptional adj.罕見的,傑出的 [outstanding] (百年難的一見的特例) exceptionable adj.可反對的 [can object to] // unexceptionable adj.無懈可擊 的 (能提出例外的例子-->可反對的,able有能的意思) ---------------------------------------- exceptional ex-cept(take)-ion-al adj.罕見的,傑出的 [outstanding; unusually excellent] adj.例外的 [ forming an exception or rare instance] ex. The warm weather was exceptional for January. excise ex-cise(cut) v.割去 [to cut out or off, as a tumor.] [from Latin] ex. The censor insist on excise the passage from the film. 電影審查員堅持剪去影片的這一段。 n.貨物稅;國內消費稅 [an internal tax or duty on certain commodities, as liquor or tobacco, levied on their manufacture, sale, or consumption within the country.] [from Dutch] ps. exercise n/v.運動、練習 excise excitable excite-able adj.易激動的;易興奮的 [ easily excited] ex. Opera singers often display a lot of temperament, ie are moody or excitable. 歌劇演員的性情常常不穩定(情緒多變或愛激動). ps. excite v.興奮 ex. The news excited everybody. 這消息使每個人都興奮了起來。 excitability ex-cite(call)-ability n.易激動性 [the quality of being excitable.] excitability <> equanimity n.鎮靜 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
bbbea :好像不知不覺中事情就經過了這麼多了 02/18 22:06
bbbea :我想說 02/18 22:06
bbbea :好像不知不覺中 單字就背 這麼多了~ 02/18 22:07
romantic :加油 02/18 22:49