精華區beta GRE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22466492 很久沒有連錄3 pages了 喉嚨不太舒服... 希望你們聽的不會有障礙 ------------------- escapism escape-ism n.逃避現實、逃避主義 [ The tendency to escape from daily reality or routine by indulging in daydreaming, fantasy, or entertainment.] (慣性的逃避,用娛樂、做白日夢還逃避日常生活的真實) ex. Drug-taking is a form of escapism for some people. 對有些人來說, 吸毒是一種逃避現實的手段. ps.escape字源:es=ex, cape披風 (or海角七號的角) eschew v.避開、禁絕 [To deliberately avoid; escape] ex.to eschew political discussion. 字源:e=ex, schew跟shy有關,字根的解釋可想成因為太害羞了就避開 聯想:es + chew(v.嚼) -->嚼一嚼口香糖後要吐出來避免吞下 esophagus n.食道 [The muscular membranous tube for the passage of food from the pharynx to the stomach; the gullet.] ps. gullet n.食道、咽喉 esoteric adj.只有圈內人才懂的, 秘傳的 [Intended for or understood by only a particular group] ex. Today the quantum theory is not an esoteric theory. 字源:Greek esōterikos, from esōterō, comparative of esō, within; see en in Indo-European roots.] 從希臘字esōterikos來的,esōter-ikos 前面的esoter是eso的比較級,意思為inner, within的意思。 erudition:esoteric 博學知道深奧的事 espionage e-spy(see)-on-age n.間諜活動 [the act or practice of spying.] [the activity of finding out the political, military, or industrial secrets of enemies or rivals by using spies] 字源:French espionnage, from espionner, to spy, from Old French espion, spy, from Old Italian spione, of Germanic origin; see spek- in Indo-European roots 古法文有個espion就是spy的意思唷 espy v. 窺探、看到[To catch sight of (something distant, partially hidden, or obscure), see] ex. Is it you I espy jogging in the park this morning? 我今天早上看到在公園裡有個人慢跑,是你嗎? 把e(=ex)想成是加強語氣就可以了 ps. ESPY是英文Excellence in Sports Performance Yearly的簡稱 實際上就是人們熟知的「年度卓越體育表現獎」, 這個獎項由世界著名的ESPN評出 espouse v.嫁娶 [To take in marriage; marry.] v.支持、接納 [To give one's loyalty or support to (a cause, for example); adopt.] espouse字源:Middle English espousen, from Old French espouser, from Latin sp ōnsāre, frequentative of spondēre, to betroth espouse是從拉丁字sponsare來的,它的意思是訂婚(betroth) spouse字源:from Latin spōnsus, from past participle of spondēre, to pledge spouse跟espouse都有同樣的來源,它們最核心的概念就是pledge誓言,spouse是配偶之 義,可看出裡面有誓言存在。 讀︰死抱死→死也要抱著死,太令人感動了,一對苦命的鴛鴦 espousal espouse-al n.擁護,信奉 ex. espousal of communism n.訂婚;結婚 essence esse(to be)-ence n.本質 [The intrinsic or indispensable properties that serve to characterize or identify something.] ex. Freedom is the very essence of our democracy. n.精髓 [The most important ingredient; the crucial element.] essential esse(to be)-ent-ial adj.必要的,不可缺的 [ absolutely necessary; indispensable] adj.本質的 n.必要品 [Something necessary or indispensable.] n.本質 [Something fundamental.] estimable adj.可尊重的 [ worthy of esteem] ex. an estimable achievement adj.可估計的 [capable of being estimated.] ex.to estimable assets ps. esteem n.尊敬 [late ME estemen, < MF estimer < L aestimāre to fix the value of] estimate n/v.估計[L aestimātus, ptp. of aestimāre to value, estimate] estrange ex-strange [to treat as a stranger] v.使疏遠;使感情失和 [to turn away in feeling or affection; make unfriendly or hostile; alienate the affections of] ex. Their quarrel estranged the two friends. estranged ex(加強)-strange-d adj.疏遠的;分居的 etch v.蝕刻 [to cut, bite, or corrode with an acid or the like] 例如用酸在玻璃上刻就叫做蝕刻 v.鮮明地描述 etch v.蝕刻 itch n.癢 v.發癢 [蝕刻用的材料潑到手,有點癢癢的] etch:corrosive=glue:adhesive 蝕刻用腐蝕劑=黏合用黏合劑 etching n.蝕刻畫、蝕刻術 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
kazutaka :推呀~ 02/17 20:52