精華區beta GRE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22439407 不好意思..這次發文的慢很多 原因是 xinaiton喜歡上某個女孩了 但是..在情人節告白失敗 現在比較OK了 魂飛了一半回來 之後 我會努力寫教學的 哎呀給個推推 安慰一下 -------------------------------------------------- entangle en-tangle(v. 糾結) v.使糾結在一起 [ to make tangled] ex. The bird entangled itself in the net. 字根 pris == seize prehand enterprise enter(=inter)-pris(seize )-e n.企業 [A business organization.] n.冒險精神;事業心 [Willingness to undertake new ventures; initiative] entrepreneur entre(=enter)-pren-eur =enterpriser n.企業家;事業創辦者 [a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, esp. a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk.] enthralling en-thrall-ing adj.迷人的;吸引人的 [capturing interest as if by a spell] ex. an enthralling book ps. thrall n.奴隸 [ a person who is in bondage; slave.] entice v.慫恿 [To attract by arousing hope or desire] ex. advertisements entice people to buy products. alluring:entice 迷人的容易誘惑 entirety entire(integer;whole)-ty n.全部;全體 [the state of being entire; completeness] ex. You must examine the matter in its entirety. 你應該全面地看這件事。 entity n.實體 [something that has a real existence] ex. North and South will remain separate entities within a commonwealth. ex. A corporation is treated by the law as an entity. 法人在法律上被視為一個實體 entitle en-title v.給...權力或資格 [to give (a person or thing) a title, right, or claim to something] ex. Every citizen is entitled to equal protection under the law. ex. Their age and experience entitle old people to the respect of young people. v.給題名(ex.書) [To give a name or title to] entrance 1.enter-ance or 2.en-trance( n. 恍惚) n.入口 n.進入[an act of entering] n.進入的權利 v.令(人)出神,使陶醉 [ to fill with delight or wonder; enrapture.] ps. trance n. 恍惚 [ a half-conscious state, seemingly between sleeping and waking] ex. she's been in trance all day. I think she's fallen in love. entrancing en-trance-ing adj.出神的,使陶醉的 [delightful; enchanting.] entreat en-treat(v.對待) v.懇求;乞求 [ to ask (a person) earnestly; beseech; implore] entreat,implore and beseech are stronger and more formal than beg 字源:c.1340, "to treat (someone) in a certain way," from Anglo-Fr. entretier, from O.Fr. entraiter, from en- "make" + traiter "treat." ps. beseech = be-seek entreaty en-treat-y n.懇求;乞求 ex. with a look of entreaty. entree n.【法】入場權 [the privilege of entering; access.] n.【美】主菜 [a dish served as the main course of a meal.] 字源:1724, "opening piece of an opera or ballet," from Fr. entrée, from O.Fr. Cookery sense is from 1759; originally the dish which was introductory to the main course. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
nikeismykey :祝你早日覓得好歸宿,懂你的人會出現的!!! 02/16 00:29
physic18 :(拍~) 02/16 00:34
warumireille:拍拍 02/16 09:35
isa0907 :拍拍 〒△〒 02/16 14:24
fablife :拍拍 繼續加油!! 02/16 15:49
caffeic :加油!! 02/16 16:14
ezhuei :加油! 02/16 19:32
Heeco :嗚~x大加油!你的聲音陪我度過好多個夜晚 XDD 02/16 19:58
Heeco :祝你感情順利事事順心阿~ 02/16 19:58
NiniChen :加油!! 02/16 20:14
sawout :加油 :) 02/16 20:31
bella1210 :加油... 你的聲音也陪我好幾個夜晚>.< 02/16 21:12
brightlyliao:加油~認真的男生最帥氣喔^^ 02/17 10:51
romantic :加油 02/17 14:51
tkmax :加油! 02/18 00:03
jack2030 :加油!!! 02/18 18:57
alltoher :加油!! 02/20 12:00