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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22476856 只要一頁接著一頁背 總有一天會給你背完的 加油! ---------------------------------------------- exclaim ex-claim v.呼喊;驚叫(由於興奮,痛苦,憤怒等) [ to cry out or speak suddenly and vehemently, as in surprise, strong emotion, or protest.] ex. "How beautiful the lake is!" we exclaimed. 我們叫喊著說,"這個湖多美啊!" exclamation n.呼喊;驚叫 [ the act of exclaiming] n.驚嘆詞 [ An interjection ex. uh, er, um, oh.] ---------------------------------------- claim v/n. (根據權利)要求、主張 acclaim v. 歡呼、喝采(熱情地、公開地) [acclaim the winner of a race] declaim v.演說或朗誦(慷慨激昂地) [向下喊-->演說] disclaim v.放棄權利、拒絕承認(與別人的關係) [宣稱claim 分離dis-->放棄] (she disclaimed the ownership of the car) exclaim v.驚叫、呼喊 (因疼痛、憤怒、驚奇) ; exclamation mark proclaim v.宣告、公佈 [to announce in an official or formal manner] (proclaim a public holiday) reclaim v.開墾土地 [喚回=reclaim,有call or bring sth. back 的意味存在] [to bring uncultivated areas into a condition for cultivation or other use] ---------------------------------------- claus= clos == close exclude ex-clud(close)-e v.把...排除在外 [To prevent from entering] ex. They exclude the possibility of murder. 他們排除了謀殺的可能性。 exclusive ex-clus-ive adj.排外的 [Excluding or tending to exclude] adj.獨有的,專用的 [Not divided or shared with others] ex. exclusive publishing rights. excoriate ex-cori(=corium;skin)-ate v.剝皮 [to strip off or remove the skin] ex. Her palms were excoriated by the hard labor of shoveling. v.嚴厲的責難 [ to denounce or berate severely] ex. He was excoriated for his mistakes. ps. corium n.真皮 聯想: ex + core +ate 把剝皮到只剩個核-->剝皮、嚴厲的責難 字根 crete = cern == separate excrete ex-crete(separate) v.排泄;分泌 [To separate and discharge (waste matter) from the blood, tissues, or organs.] ex. The function of the kidneys is to excrete waste products. 腎臟的功能是排泄代謝廢物。 ex.excrete poison 分泌毒液 excrete <> ingest v.攝取;吸收 ps. discrete adj.分離的 exculpate ex-culp(guilt)-ate v.開脫;使無罪 [To clear of guilt or blame.] ex. exculpate oneself from blame 為自己辯解. ps. culprit n.罪犯 (已經被定罪的罪犯) culpable adj.該責備的;有罪的 exculpate <> attribute guilt [ps. tribut == give] exculpate <> inculpate alibi:exculpatory=warning:admonitory 不在場辯解是辯解性的=警告是警告性的 excursion ex-curs(run)-ion n.遠足;短途旅行 [a short trip or outing to some place, usually for a special purpose and with the intention of a prompt return: a pleasure excursion; a scientific excursion.] ex. We took the weekend excursion to the seashore. 週末我們去海濱遊玩了。 excursive ex-curs-ive adj.離題的 [ given to making excursions in speech, thought,] adj.散漫的 [of the nature of such excursions; rambling; desultory] ex. an excursive conversation 漫談 字根 sacr == holy execrable ex-(s)acr-able adj.非常憎恨的 [ utterly detestable; abominable; abhorrent.] adj.很不好的 [very bad] ex. What an execrable meal! 這頓飯菜真是糟透了! execrate ex-(s)acr-ate v.憎恨 [ to detest utterly; abhor; abominate.] v.詛咒 [ to curse] ex. He execrated all who opposed him. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: