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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22504019 原來是長智齒了 >"< 昨天超痛的 痛到流淚阿 ---------------------------------------------- faucet n.水龍頭 [any device for controlling the flow of liquid from a pipe or the like by opening or closing an orifice] fault n.瑕疵 [a defect or imperfection; flaw] ex. Her virtues offset her fault. 她的美德彌補了她的缺點 n.錯誤 [an error or mistake] n.【地】斷層 [ a break in the continuity of a body of rock, with dislocation along the plane of the fracture] 補充(不必看) fault的字源:c.1280, "deficiency," from O.Fr. faute "lack, deficiency," from V.L. *fallita "a shortcoming, falling," n. use of fem. pp., from L. falsus, pp. of fallere "deceive, disappoint" (see false). The -l- was restored 1400s, probably in imitation of L., but was not pronounced till 18c. Sense of "physical defect" is from c.1320; that of "moral culpability" is first recorded 1377. Geological sense is from 1796. The use in tennis (1599) is closer to the etymological sense. The verb is first recorded 1559 in the sense "to find fault with." Faulty is from 1380. faultfinder fault-find-er n.吹毛求疵的人 [a person who habitually finds fault, complains, or objects, esp. in a petty way.] ps.也可當"故障探測器" faultfinder:criticize 吹毛求疵者擅長批評 favorable favor(贊成;有利)-able adj.贊同的 [characterized by approval or support; positive] ex. They are favorable to the proposal. 他們贊同這項提議。 adj.有利的 [Advantageous; helpful] ex. Tow factors are favorable for the preservation of organisms as fossils. 有兩個因素對生物化石的保存是有利的。 fawn n.幼鹿(特指是還沒斷奶的小鹿) [a young deer, esp. an unweaned one.] v.搖尾討好(ex.狗等) [To exhibit affection or attempt to please, as a dog does by wagging its tail,] v.奉承,討好 [To seek favor or attention by flattery and obsequious behavior] ex. fawn on one's superiors faze v.使狼狽、尷尬 [To disrupt the composure of; disconcert; embarrass] ex. She's so calm; nothing seems to faze her. 她很鎮靜, 遇事不慌. face faze 她的臉(face)因為被鳥屎滴到而狼狽、尷尬(faze) feat n.功績;英勇事蹟 [a noteworthy or extraordinary act or achievement, usually displaying boldness, skill; exploit] ex. Man's first landing on the moon was a feat of great daring. 人類首次登月是一個勇敢的壯舉。 feat字源:1400–50; late ME < MF fait made (to fit) < L factus, to make, do feasible feas(make, do)-ible adj.可行的、可能的 [ probable; capable of being done] ex .a bay feasible for yachting 適合駕駛遊艇的海灣 feature n.面貌(用features) [The overall appearance of the face or its parts] n.特色 [A prominent or distinctive quality] v.以...為特色 ex. a feature of one's personality ex. a feature of the landscape. v.(電影)由...主演 ex. The new movie features two of my favorite actors. 這部新片由我最喜愛的兩位演員主演。 feature字源:Middle English feture, from Old French faiture, from Latin factū ra, a working or making, from factus, past participle of facere, to make, do 做出來的特色 feckless (ef)fect-less adj.沒目的、活力的 [Lacking purpose or vitality] ex. two years of feckless negotiations 拖了兩年毫無結果的談判 adj.不負責的 [Careless and irresponsible.] fecund fetus(n.胎兒)-cund adj.多產的 [Capable of producing offspring or vegetation; fruitful.] adj.肥沃的;豐饒的 [very productive or creative intellectually;fertile] ex. a prolific writer; a fecund imagination. 多產的作家;豐富的想像力。 字源:1375-1425; late ME < L fēcundus, equiv. to fē- (see fetus ) + -cundus adj. suffix; r. late ME fecounde < AF review effete ex-fet(fetus胎兒)-e adj.衰弱的;無能力的 [Depleted of vitality, force, or effectiveness] ex. the effete period of the baroque style. 字面上的意思為 ex- "out" + fetus "childbearing, offspring" fetus可想稱生機,所以out of fetus表示沒有生機 fecundity fecund-ity n.多產 n.肥沃;豐饒 ex. The probability of survival is the reciprocal of fecundity. 生存的概率是生殖力的倒數。 feeble adj.虛弱的,衰弱的(可形容身體、性格、等等) [ physically weak; intellectually or morally weak] ex. She is feeble from sickness. 她因為生病而變得虛弱。 review enfeelbe v.使衰弱;使無力 feeble <> hardy adj.艱苦的;健康強壯的 feedback feed(v.飼養)-back n.反饋、回饋 feign v.裝作,假裝 [To give a false appearance of] ex. feign sleep. ex. feign authorship of a novel. ex. feign another's voice. 補充(不必看) 字源 Middle English feinen, from Old French feindre, from Latin fingere, to shape, form feign v.裝作,假裝 deign v.屈尊 [condescend] [古法文的deignier ,由拉丁文dignari而來] (deignier"treat as worthy"對待人如同對傑出的人一樣-->引申成屈尊) reign n/v.統治 (reign與rain發音相同) ex. Night resumes her reign. 黑夜重臨。 feigned feign-ed adj.假的;捏造的 feigned <> genuine adj.誠懇的;真實的 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: