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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22486751 星期六日 休刊 --------------------------------------------------- exterminate ex-temin(boundary)-ate v.滅絕;消滅 [to get rid of by destroying; destroy totally] ex. They attempted to exterminate feudalism. 他們要徹底消滅封建主義。 temin term == boundary ps. terminate v.使終止 terminal adj.終點的 n.(火車,巴士等的)終站 n.航空站 external extern(n.【古】外面的)-al adj.外部的 ps. internal adj.內部的 externalize external-ize v.賦予外形 [to make external; embody in an outward form.] ex. externalize one's thoughts, emotions, etc 使思想、 感情等表露出來. extinct ex-stinct(=sting刺) adj.絕種的 [ no longer in existence; that has ended or died out] ex. Dinosaurs are extinct animals. 恐龍是已經絕種的動物。 ex. Nothing could rekindle her extinct passion. 她激情已逝, 無從心回意轉. adj.不再使用的 ps. stinct sting ==刺 extinct <> extant [ex-stant] extinction ex-stinct-ion n.絕種 [ the fact or condition of being extinguished or extinct.] n.熄滅 ex. the extinction of a fire 一場火的撲滅 ex. the extinction of one's hopes 希望的破滅 extinguish ex-stinct-u-ish v.熄滅 [ to put out (a fire, light, etc.)] ex. to extinguish a candle. ex. to extinguish the memory of the defeat. v.使(熱情、希望等)破滅 extirpation ex-tirp(root)-ation n.根絕 [ to remove or destroy totally; exterminate.] ps. extirpate v.根絕 ex. to extirpate an unwanted hair. extol ex-tol(raise; lift) v.讚美;頌揚 [to praise highly; laud; eulogize;exalt] ex. to extol the beauty of Vienna. 音:extol 發音類似 "一顆失投" 王建民完投九局,只有"一顆失投",值得"稱讚" ~~~~ extort ex-tort(twist) v.敲詐;勒索 [to wrest or wring (money, information, etc.) from a person by violence, intimidation, or abuse of authority; obtain by force, torture, threat, or the like.] ex. The police used torture to extort a confession from him. 警方對他嚴刑逼供. extract ex-tract(draw) v.使勁拔出 [ to get, pull, or draw out, usually with special effort, skill, or force] ex. to extract a tooth. v.萃取、提煉 [To obtain from a substance by chemical or mechanical action, as by pressure, distillation, or evaporation.] v.搾取 [ to extort (information, money, etc.)] ex. to extract a secret from someone. "Photoshop Background Extraction" extraneous extra-aneous adj.外來的 [Coming from the outside] ex. extraneous interference. adj.體外的 [not belonging to that in which it is contained; introduced from an outside source] (這個有點抽像) ex. water free of extraneous matter extraneous:essence 無關的沒有本質 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
DOOT :推:) 02/21 00:13
goodchance :推! 02/21 20:15
peterluo :大推!! 02/21 22:26
sonyu :推 02/21 23:58
tclispg :大推~~~~ 02/23 00:32