精華區beta GRE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22439422 這三篇都是剛才錄音的 睹物思情 害我哽咽了一下 ---------------------------------- entrust en-trust v.信託;託管 [To give over (something) to another for care, protection, or performance] ex. I entrusted my cat to a friend while I was away. 我不在家時把貓託給朋友照料。 v.信任 [To give as a trust to (someone)] entry enter-y n.進入 [an act of entering; entrance.] n.進入權 [permission or right to enter; access.] n.詞條;帳目 ex. The new edition contains 5,000 entries. ex. made an entry in the ledger. journal:entries=run:performance 定期刊物由一系列記載組成=連演是由一系列表演組成 enumerate ex-numer(=number)-ate v.列舉;枚舉 [To count off or name one by one; list] ex. A spokesperson enumerated the strikers' demands. enunciate ex-nunci(announce)-ate v.清晰地發音 [pronounce (words, sentences, etc.), esp. in an articulate or a particular manner] v.宣佈 ps. denunciate v.公開指責 pronounce v.發音 pronunciation n.發音 review denounce de-nounce(to announce) v.公開指責 [to condemn or censure openly or publicly] ex. to denounce a politician as morally corrupt. denunciate denounce-ate v.公開指責= denounce ps. denunciation n.公開指責 denounce den..unciate environ v.圍繞;圍住 [To encircle; surround.] ex. Trees environ the yard. 樹木環繞著那個院子。 ps. environment n.環境 ps. environs n.都市的郊區 envision en-vis(see)-ion v.想像,展望 [to picture mentally, esp. some future event or events] ex. to envision a bright future. envision enzyme n.酶 [ Any of numerous proteins or conjugated proteins produced by living organisms and functioning as biochemical catalysts.] enzyme epaulet n.(軍服上的)肩章 [an ornamental shoulder piece worn on uniforms, chiefly by military officers.] 聯想法:e(一個) + paul(保羅) + et(小東西) -> 保羅掛著一個小肩章 epaulet ephemeral ep(=epi;among)-hemer(day,From Gk.)-al adj.僅有一日生命的 [ lasting but one day] ex. an ephemeral flower. adj.短暫的 [lasting a very short time] ephemeral_fate epic epos(n. 口頭傳誦之原始敘事詩)-ic n.史詩 [pertaining to a long poetic composition, usually centered upon a hero, in which a series of great achievements or events is narrated in elevated style] ex. an epic of ancient Greece epicure n.講究飲食的人 [a person who cultivates a refined taste, esp. in food and wine; connoisseur.] from Greek Epikouros.伊壁鳩魯 伊壁鳩魯認為,最大的善來自快樂,沒有快樂就沒有善。快樂包括肉體上的快樂,也包括 精神上的快樂。伊壁鳩魯區分了積極的快樂和消極的快樂,並認為消極的快樂擁有優先的 地位,它是「一種厭足狀態中的麻醉般的狂喜」。同時,伊壁鳩魯強調,在我們考量一個 行動是否有趣時,我們必須同時考慮它所帶來的副作用。在追求短暫快樂的同時,也必須 考慮是否可能獲得更大、更持久、更強烈的快樂。他還強調,肉體的快樂大部分是強加於 我們的,而精神的快樂則可以被我們所支配,因此交朋友、欣賞藝術等也是一種樂趣。自 我的慾望必須節制,平和的心境可以幫助我們忍受痛苦。 享樂主義(Hedonism)認為享樂是人類最重要的追求。詞語的來源是從希臘語的 "pleasure" 享樂主義是所有動作皆可被一個人會產生的享受與痛楚所決定,力求將享樂與痛苦的距差 增至最大。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: