精華區beta GRE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22481247 為考GRE的考生們 打氣 ---------------------------------------------- explicate ex-plic(fold)-ate [把折打開-->說請楚] v.詳細說明 [To make clear the meaning of; explain] ex. We shall have to explicate its basic assumptions before we can assess its implications. explicit ex-plic(fold)-it adj.詳盡的;清楚的 [Fully and clearly expressed; leaving nothing implied.] adj.成形的 [clearly developed or formulated] ex. explicit knowledge; explicit belief. exploit ex-ploit [來自 ex-plicit: unfold-->打開來利用] v.剝削 [to use selfishly for one's own ends] ex.The imperialists exploit and oppress all the peoples of the world. 帝國主義者剝削和壓迫全世界人民 v.利用(利用而儘可能到最大的利益) [To employ to the greatest possible advantage] ex. exploit one's talents. v.開發,開採 ex. exploit an oil field 開發油田 n.英勇的行為 [ striking or notable deed; feat; spirited or heroic act] ex. That was a brave exploit. milk:extract=exploit:utilize 搾取是充分提取=充分利用是充分利用 explosive n.爆炸物;炸藥 adj.爆炸性的 [tending or serving to explode] ps. explosion n.爆炸 exponent ex-pon(放;put)-ent [放出來-->說明] n.闡述者;說明者 [a person or thing that expounds, explains, or interprets] n.倡導者,代表者;典型 [a person or thing that is a representative, advocate, type, or symbol of something] ex. Lincoln is an exponent of American democracy. n.【數】指數 35 exponentially exponent-ial-ly adv.以指數方式(快速增加的) exposition ex-posit(放)-ion n.博覽會 [a large-scale public exhibition or show] ex.2005-愛知萬國博覽會 EXPO 2005 AICHI JAPAN n.說明;解說 [the act of expounding, setting forth, or explaining] ex. the exposition of a point of view. expository ex-posit(放)-ory adj.說明的 [of the nature of exposition; serving to expound,] ex. expository teaching expound ex-pound(=pon;放) v.解釋;詳細述說 [To give a detailed statement of; set forth] expostulate ex-post(放)-u-late v.勸誡;告誡 [to reason earnestly with someone against something that person intends to do or has done; remonstrate] ex. The father expostulate with his son about the foolishness of leaving school. 父親就他孩子輟學的愚蠢行為對他進行規勸。 ps. postulate v.假設 n.基本條件 exposure ex-pos(放)-ure n.暴露 [the act of exposing; the fact or state of being exposed.] n.揭露 [disclosure, as of something private or secret] ex. the exposure of their invasion plans. ps. expose v.使暴露於 v.揭露 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: