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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22472602 大家加油唷 背累了 就休息一下吧 背單字需要好的心理狀態才會背的快 --------------------------------------------- euphonious eu-phon(聲音)-i-ous [euphony-ous] adj.悅耳的,聲音和諧的 [pleasant in sound; agreeable to the ear] ex. an euphonious trill of silver laughter. 銀鈴般婉轉悅耳的笑聲。 ps. phone n.電話 euphoria eu-phor(carry,帶來)-ia n.安樂感,陶醉 [A feeling of great happiness or well-being.] 比方說你完成拼圖,回想你辛苦的拼圖,總會有一股euphoria phor、fer都有carry的意思,這兩個字根都是同源的的 像我們之前談過的渡輪ferry ph的發音就是f,所以這兩個字長的其實也滿像的呢 這兩個字都是從希臘文來的,最早的意思是bear運輸的意思 (ps.bear還有很多意思唷) evacuate e-vac(emity)-u-ate v.撤空 v.使避難,使疏散 [to remove persons from (a city, town, building, area, etc.) for reasons of safety] ex. to evacuate the embassy after a bomb threat. evacuate v.使避難 <> conquer v.征服;佔領 evanescent e-van(emity)-esc(becoming)-ent [evanesce-ent] adj.逐漸消失的 [tending to become imperceptible; scarcely perceptible.] ex. Human life is evanescent 人生若朝露 字根vac void == empty 空 van vacuous adj.空虛的 [absence of thought or intelligence] [腦袋空空的--->空虛 的] devoid v.空洞的[completely lacking in sth] [de=完全, void=空--->devoid~完全空的--->空洞的] vanish v.消失 [使像空空的一樣--->消失 ] van-ity n.對自己的外表自恃過高(虛榮心) vain adj.對自己的外表自恃過高的(愛虛榮的)、徒勞無功的 evade e-vade(to go) v.躲避、逃避 [to escape from by trickery or cleverness] ex. Give me a direct answer, and stop evading the issue. 給我一個直截了當的回答,不要迴避這一問題。 ps. invade v.侵入 pervade [per(完全)-vade] v.瀰漫於 v.遍及於 evasion n.躲避、逃避 [The act or an instance of evading.] ex. evasion of one's duty. n.遁辭;藉口 [ a subterfuge.] evasive e-vas-ive adj.逃避的 [ tending or seeking to evade] ex. an evasive statement evaluate ex-val(value,power)-u-ate v.對...評價 [ to determine or set the value or amount of; appraise] ex. to evaluate property. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: