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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22486742 問問大家 不知道大家背到哪一頁了呢 ----------------------------------------- expressly adv.明確地 [In an express or a definite manner; explicitly] ex. Tom expressly pointed out the mistake. 湯姆明確地指出了那個錯誤。 adv.特意地 [Especially; particularly] ex. tools designed expressly for left-workers. expunge ex-pung(=punct;刺)-e v.刪除 (刪除多餘的文字) [remove by erasing or crossing out or as if by drawing a line] 同義詞有stike ex. Please expunge/strike this remark from the record. ps. pung == to prick 刺 pungent [pung-ent] adj.(氣味等)有刺激性的 [Affecting the organs of taste or smell with a sharp acrid sensation.] acupuncture [acu-punct-ure] n.針灸 expurgate ex-purge(v.使潔淨)-ate v.刪除(使之純化;刪除不雅的文字) [To clean up, remove impurities.] ex. Most children read an expurgated version of Grimms' fairy tales. purge from pure adj.潔淨的 字根 quer=quest=quisit == seek exquisite ex-quisit(seek)-e [carefully selected] adj.精美的;精緻的 [Characterized by intricate and beautiful design or execution; elaborate, delicate] adj.靈敏的 ex. Blind dolphins have been known to survive in the wild, guided by exquisite acoustic images of their prey. adj.強烈的 ex. suffered exquisite pain. ps. requisite adj.需要的;n.必需品 inquisitive adj.好奇的;好問的 extant ex-stant(stand) adj.現存的;尚存的 [ still existing; not destroyed or lost] ex. There are only three extant copies of the document. extant <> extinct adj.絕種的 adj.破滅了的 mammoth ps. extinct ex-stinct(=sting刺) adj.絕種的 adj.不再使用的 extemporize ex-tempor(time)-ize v.即席發言、即興演奏 [To do or perform (something) without prior preparation or practice; improvise] ex. extemporized a speech. ex. He has to extemporize because he has forgotten to bring his note. 他因為忘了帶講稿,只好即席發言 ps. temporal adj.短暫的 adj.世間的;世俗的 temporary adj.臨時的 extemporize<> follow a script text:extemporize=score:improvise 即興演講不需要講稿=即興演奏不需要樂譜 extemporaneous ex-tempor(time)-aneous(adj.尾) adj.即席的 [done, spoken, performed, etc., without special advance preparation; impromptu] Extemporaneous, extemporary, and extempore most often apply to discourse that is delivered without the assistance of a written text, though it may have been planned in advance: ex. an extemporaneous address; an extemporary lecture; an extempore skit. Impromptu even more strongly suggests happening on the spur of the moment(一時 興起): ex. an impromptu dinner. tend tent == stretch tens extend ex-tend(stretch) v.擴大,擴展 [To stretch or spread (something) out to greater or fullest length] ex. extended the radio antenna. v.提供 [to provide as an offer or grant;] ex. to extend aid to needy scholars. ps. extension n.伸長;擴大 n.電話分機 extenuate ex-tenu(to make thin)-ate v.減輕(a fault, offense, etc.) [To lessen or attempt to lessen the magnitude or seriousness of, especially by providing partial excuses] ex. Nothing can extenuate such appalling behavior. 這種駭人聽聞的行徑罪不可恕。 ps. attenuate v.變細 v.變稀薄 tenuous adj.纖細的 adj.稀薄的 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
qllvv :我還在背高中的單字本 背完才開始殺紅寶Orz 02/20 21:38
yoruhoshi :從中間跳著看耶~因為看不到前面的... 謝謝囉~ 02/20 21:52
xination :前面的可以看阿 最好不要跳頁唷 02/20 21:56
xination :因為越是前面越是基礎 花多工夫在講字根 02/20 21:56
YYJhong :我都按照字根分組背欸~ 所以一定會跳頁... 02/20 22:24
iverson52000:看到x大一定推!! 02/21 00:54
comlcs :推推 非常感謝 02/21 21:51
artaj :感謝你的用心.正要從第一頁開始,之前聽了一點最近的 02/22 19:53