精華區beta GRE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22466452 加油!! 剛才看到留學版的同班同學申請上了 aboa (還有painkiller也是耶) 真為他們高興 aboa也有在GRE版寫心得文唷 剛剛才知道的.. ------------------------------- erase e-ras(=rad;scrape)-e v.擦掉,抹去 [to rub or scrape out, as letters or characters written; efface] ex. The teacher erased the letters on the blackboard. ex. Time cannot erase his memories of the war. ps. eraser n.橡皮擦 erasure e-ras-ure n.擦掉,抹去 [ an act or instance of erasing.] ex. there were many erasures in the typescript. erect ex-rect(reg;直) adj.垂直的,豎起的 [ upright in position or posture] ex. Soldiers are trained to stand erect. 士兵們訓練站得筆直。 adj.【醫】(陰莖)勃起的 v.垂直,豎起 v.建立,設立,安裝 ex. A monument was erected in front of the town hall. erect <> suspend err [from Latin errāre, to wander;亂逛] v.犯錯誤 [To make an error or a mistake.] ex. to err is human ps. error n.錯誤 errand err(wander)-and n.差事、跑腿 [a short and quick trip to accomplish a specific purpose, as to buy something, deliver a package, or convey a message, often for someone else..] ex.比方說幫朋友買消夜 n.差事的目的 [The purpose or object of such a trip] ex. Your errand was to mail the letter. ersatz adj.代用的; 假的 [ Being an imitation or a substitute, usually an inferior one] ex. 你上廁所忘了帶衛生紙,不過剛好有報紙,這報紙就是ersatz tissue, ersatz指的是當你要用的東西剛好沒有,你只能用較劣等的代用品, 形容這個替代物就可以用ersatz n.代用品 ersatz字源:German, replacement, from ersetzen, to replace, from Old High German irsezzan : ir-, out; see ud- in Indo-European roots + sezzan, to set ersatz來自於德語,從 irsezzan來的,其中的意思由 out + set組合而成,就是指替代 replacement。 erstwhile erst-while adj.從前的,往昔的 [ former; of times past] ex. erstwhile friends. ex. Erstwhile workers may have become managers. ps1. erst adv.以前;往昔 erst字源:ere + est ps2. early erudite e-rud(raw)-ite [從未開化、粗糙中拉出來] adj.博學的 [characterized by great knowledge; learned or scholarly] ex. an erudite professor 音:耶魯呆子 ps. crude adj.天然的,未經加工的 erupt e-rupt(break) v.噴出;爆發 [ to burst forth] ex. An active volcano may erupt at any time. escalate ex-scala( ladder from L.)-ate v.使逐步上升(增強或擴大 [ to increase in intensity, magnitude, etc.] ex. to escalate a war; prices escalate. v.乘自動扶梯爬登 [to raise, lower, rise, or descend on or as if on an escalator.] ps. escalator字源:Americanism; formerly a trademark; escal(ade) + (elev)ator escalator原本是商標 由escalade(以梯子攀登)+elevator組成的 escal (from L. scala "ladder"梯子) ps.2 scale n.等級;級別 escalation n.逐步上升;逐步擴大 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: