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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22472607 給的推吧! ---------------------------------- evict ex-vict(征服) v.(房客等)逐出 [ to expel (a person, esp. a tenant) from land, a building, etc., by legal process, as for nonpayment of rent.] ex. The lessor(出租人) can evict the lessee(承租人) for failure to pay rent. eviction e-vict-ion n.逐出 ex. Non payment of rent can mean eviction. 不交租金就可能被趕出去. evince e-vinc(=vict)-e [conquer, elicit by argument, prove,] v.表明;顯示出 [ To show or demonstrate clearly] ex. to evince my earnest gratitude evince <> conceal v.隱藏 ---------------------------------------- 字根 vict == to conquer,征服 (引申成勝利) vinc victory n.勝利 convict v.定罪 [征服罪犯] conviction n.定罪 [the act of convicting] n.堅定的信念[a fixed or firm belief] convince v.使人確信 convincing adj.使人確信的 evict v.逐出、趕出 [conquer and make it out] ---------------------------------------- evoke e-vok(=voc;voice)-e v.喚起(記憶等) [ to call up or produce (memories, feelings, etc.)] ex. to evoke a memory v.引起 [ to elicit or draw forth] ex. His comment evoked protests from the shocked listeners. evocative e-voc-ative adj.喚起...的 [tending to evoke] ex. The music so produced is sometimes powerful and evocative. 這樣產生的音樂有時很有力量,並且有感召力。 adj.引起...的 evolve e-volv(roll)-e v.使逐步形成; 進化 [ to develop gradually] review ---------------------------------------- 字根 volv == roll 滾 volu voluble adj.口若懸河的 volume n.書籍、體積、音量 [一掍一掍的書] convolve v.旋繞 convoluted adj.旋繞的、複雜的 devolve v.退化 [滾回去] devolution n.退化 evolve v.進化 [滾出來] evolution n.進化 involve v.包括 revolution n.革命 [再滾一次] [特]revolt v.起義、造反 (The people revolted against their ruler.) ---------------------------------------- ewe n.母羊 [a female sheep, esp. when fully mature.] sheep:ewe=swan:pen 羊:母羊=天鵝:雌天鵝 ewer n.大口水壺 [ a pitcher with a wide spout(茶壺等的嘴).] aci -->acu acerb == sour acr exacerbate ex(加強語氣)-acerb(sour;酸的)-ate v.使惡化 [ to increase the severity, bitterness, or violence of (disease, ill feeling, etc.); aggravate.] ex. Human activities exacerbate the heating. exact adj.確切的,精確的 [strictly accurate or correct] ex. an exact description. adj.嚴格的 [Strictly and completely in accord with fact; not deviating from truth or reality] ex. Science is an exact discipline. v.強要;勒索 ex. The kidnappers(綁匪) exacted ransoms(贖金) for their hostages(人質). exact v.強要;勒索 <> forgive v.原諒 (for-give) exacting exact-ing adj.嚴格的 [Making severe demands; rigorous] ex. an exacting boss exactitude exact-i-tude n.正確(性)、嚴謹 [the quality of being exact; exactness] ex. to work with exactitude -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
critical2002:推x大~~ 02/18 00:44
iverson52000:推x大!! 02/18 02:00
daperrea :推x大,辛苦了~ 02/18 10:01
jack2030 :推~~~~~ 02/18 19:03
a3762877 :推X大~~ 02/19 00:21