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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22504018 這頁也花了不少力氣呢 ----------------------------------------- fanatic n.狂熱者;盲信者 [a person with an extreme and uncritical enthusiasm or zeal, as in religion or politics.] ex. A fanatic often has unreasonable and mistaken beliefs, especially in religion. 一個狂熱者常常有不合理和錯誤的信仰,尤其是在宗教方面。 fanatic字源: c.1525, "insane person," from L. fanaticus "mad, enthusiastic, inspired by a god," originally, "pertaining to a temple," from fanum "temple," related to festus "festive" (see feast). Current sense of "extremely zealous," especially in religion, is first attested 1647. The noun is from 1650, originally in religious sense, of Nonconformists. fanatic是從拉丁的fanaticus而來的,原指的是"mad, enthusiastic, inspired by a god",因為這個拉丁字是從fanum"廟宇temple而來的",後來字義轉變成極度的狂熱,特 別指在宗教上。 fanatic:devoted 狂熱者是過分熱衷的 fang n.毒牙 [Any of the hollow or grooved teeth of a venomous snake with which it injects its poison.] n.犬齒 [Any of the canine teeth of a carnivorous animal, such as a dog or wolf, with which it seizes and tears its prey.] fantasy n.幻想 [imagination, esp. when extravagant and unrestrained; caprice; whim.] ps.1 fantasia. Literature. an imaginative or fanciful work, esp. one dealing with supernatural or unnatural events or characters ps.2 phantasy = fantasy ps.3 柴田依奈 fantasy字源:c.1325, "illusory appearance," from O.Fr. fantasie, from L. phantasia, from Gk. phantasia "appearance, image, perception, imagination," from phantazesthai "picture to oneself," from phantos "visible," from phainesthai "appear," in late Gk. "to imagine, have visions," related to phaos, phos "light." Sense of "whimsical notion, illusion" is pre-1400, followed by that of "imagination," which is first attested 1539. Sense of "day-dream based on desires" is from 1926, as is fantasize. fantasy是希臘的 phantasia來的,意思是"appearance, image, perception, imagination",而這個希臘字是由phan這個字根所組成的,phan是appear的意思唷 farce n.笑劇;滑稽戲 [A light dramatic work in which highly improbable plot situations, exaggerated characters, and often slapstick(低俗的) elements are used for humorous effect.] "Air Farce Live: Squeegie Life" farewell interj.(感嘆詞 )再會!別了! [goodby; may you fare well] ex. Farewell! I hope we meet in New York next time. 再見!希望下次能在紐約相見。 n.告別 ps. 伴都美子(D.A.I的主唱) 單飛的專輯 《Farewell》 farewell performance 告別演出 <> debut v.首次登場 far-reaching adj.深遠的 ex. Such an earthshaking change must have far-reaching effects. 像這樣翻天覆地的變化一定會產生深遠的影響。 fast n.禁食; 齋戒 (宗教上的) [an abstinence from food, or a limiting of one's food, esp. when voluntary and as a religious observance] adj.快的 adv.緊緊地,牢固地 ex. Hold fast to this rope, and I will pull you up. 抓緊繩子,我把你拉上來。 fast:eat 齋戒是暫停進餐 fastidious adj.愛挑剔的;過分講究的 [Possessing or displaying careful, meticulous attention to detail.] ex. She is too fastidious about her food or clothing. 她愛講究吃穿。 聯想:因為要齋戒所以吃的東西就要講究,有很多是不能吃的 fasten fast-en v.繫緊 [ To attach firmly to something else, as by pinning or nailing.] ex. Please fasten your seat-belts. 請繫好安全帶. vi.抓住 (fasten upon) ex. He had nothing concrete to fasten it upon. 他抓不到什麼具體的證據。 fastness n.據點;堡壘 [a secure or fortified place] ex. The rebels have withdrawn to their mountain fastness for the winter. 叛軍撤至他們的山寨過冬。 n.牢固 [the state of being fixed or firm] ex. excellent rubbing fastness, sun-light fastness and wash fastness 耐磨,日曬牢度,水洗牢度好 fatal fate(n.命運)-al adj.致命的,生死攸關的 [ causing or capable of causing death; mortal; deadly] ex. a fatal accident ex. The shot was fatal. 這是致命的一槍。 adj.命運的(有決定性重要的) [Of decisive importance; fateful] ex. He committed a fatal mistake. 他犯了一個無可挽回的錯誤。 fathom n.噚(測水深的單位,一噚是6呎 [a unit of length equal to six feet (1.8 meters): used chiefly in nautical measurements.] v.測量...的深度 [To determine the depth of] v.深入瞭解 [ to penetrate to the truth of ] ex. to fathom the cause of her success erudite:fathom 博學的人會去深入瞭解 fatigue n.疲勞 [weariness from bodily or mental exertion.] v.使疲勞 [ to weary with bodily or mental exertion; exhaust the strength of] ex. Endless chatter fatigues me. 聯想:fat + i + gue 胖胖的人跑步容易疲勞 fatten fat-en v.養肥 [to make fat; to feed (animals) abundantly before slaughter.] v.使肥沃 [to enrich] ex. fatten one's bank account. fatten <> emaciate v.使憔悴;使消瘦 fatuous fatu(L. fatuus; silly)-ous adj.愚蠢的 [ Foolish or silly, especially in a smug or self-satisfied way] ex. fatuous love fatuity fatu(L. fatuus; silly)-ity n.愚蠢 ex. break away from fatuity, wildness, poverty and under-developed -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
kazutaka :推!! 02/25 00:05
EcoliR1 :真是太感激您了 02/25 11:17
wearytolove :推 02/25 14:37
seaxrrz :推 02/25 18:31