精華區beta GRE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22481242 該說什麼呢 GRE版其實還滿溫馨的啦 很喜歡在這邊PO文 ---------------------------------------- exotic exo(outside from Gk.)-tic adj.異國的, 外來的 [of foreign origin or character; not native] ex. exotic food exotic <> endemic adj.地方的;n.地方病 ps. exo- exoskeleton n.外骨骼;皮骨骼 expand ex-pand(spread) v.擴大 [To increase the size, volume, quantity, or scope of; enlarge, extend] ex. expanding his business. v.展開,張開 [ spread out] ex. The bird expanded its wings and flew off. v.詳述 [To express at length or in detail] ex. Expand on a favorite topic. 詳述一個感興趣的論題 字源:Middle English expanden, to spread out, from Latin expandere : ex-, ex- + pandere, to spread expansive ex-pans(spread)-ive adj.擴大的 [capable of expanding or tending to expand.] adj.廣闊的 [ having a wide range or extent; comprehensive; extensive] adj.豪爽的;健談的 [Open and communicative; talkative or effusive(感情橫溢的)] ex. Wine made the guest expansive. expansive <> taciturn adj.沈默寡言的 expend ex-pend(掛;花費) v.花費 [spend] ex. They expended large sums of money in maintaining this beach. 他們花去大筆的錢維護這個海灘。 v.消耗盡 [To use up; consume] ex. Every effort seemed to expend her spirit's force reveiw 字根 pens pend == hang down 掛 or weigh 稱...的重量 [pend的延生為衡量,計算--又因為花錢是需要衡量的--所以跟消費有點關係] ex. expend // expense n.開支 // expensive adj.昂貴的 pension n.退休金 spend v.花(錢);花(時間,精力) expenditure ex-pend((掛;花費)-i-ture n.消費;開支 [ the act of expending something, esp. funds; disbursement; consumption.] ex. Arise in price will make people postpone expenditure. 價格的上升會使人們推遲支出。 review ---------------------------------------- 字根 ped == foot from L.pes 字根 ped == child from Gk.paid, pais c.f podiatrist n.足科醫師 pediatrist n.小兒科醫師 字根 ped == foot pedal n.腳踏板 pedestal n.柱腳 pedestrian n.行人 adj.單調的 ex-ped-ite v.迅速執行;促進 ex-ped-ition n.遠征; 遠征隊 ex-ped-ition-ary adj.遠征的 ex-ped-itious adj.迅速的 expedience n.權宜之計 expedient n.權宜之計 adj.權宜的 im-pede v.阻礙 im-ped-iment n.阻礙 字根 ped == child pedagogue n.喜歡賣弄學問的教師 n.(小學)教師 (or pedagog) ped-agogy n.教育方法;教育方法論 pedant n.賣弄學問的人;迂腐的教師 ped-o-phil-ia n.【醫】戀童狂(以兒童為對象之色情狂) ---------------------------------------- expediency ex-ped(foot)-ency n.權宜之計 [doing what is convenient rather than what is morally right.] ex. There will always be tensions between principle and expediency. 原則和權宜之計之間總是矛盾重重。 ex.政治家為了保護自己,切斷了與好友的關係 ex. 你老媽問你為什這麼晚回來,你說去朋友家讀書,其實去玩... n.方便 expedient adj.權宜的 n.權宜之計 [An expedient is an action that achieves a particular purpose, but may not be morally right. ] expedite ex-ped(foot)-ite v.迅速執行;促進 [ to speed up the progress of; hasten] ex. Please do what you can to expedite the building work. 請儘量加快建築工作. expedite <> foot dragging 腳步拖沓的 expeditious ex-ped-ite-ious adj.迅速完成的;迅速的 [characterized by promptness; quick] ex. an expeditious answer to an inquiry expel ex-pel(push) v.驅逐,趕走 [to drive or force out or away] ex. They expelled the journalist from their country. 他們把這個記者驅逐出境。 expertise expert(n. 專家)-ise n.專門知識 [ expert skill or knowledge; expertness; know-how] ex. business expertise. expiate ex-pi(pious adj.虔誠的)-ate v.贖罪 [to atone for; make amends or reparation for] ex. to expiate one's crimes. 字源:Latin expiāre, expiāt- : ex-, intensive pref.; see ex- + piāre, to atone (from pius, devout). expire ex-spire(呼吸;breathe) v.滿期,(期限)終止 [ to come to an end; terminate, as a contract, guarantee, or offer.] ex. My lease will expire on September 30th of this year. 我的租約今年九月三十日到期。 ex.My subscription to the magazine will soon expire, I will renew it. 我訂閱的雜誌快到期了,我將續訂。 v.吐氣 [ to breathe out.] v.斷氣,死亡 [to emit the last breath; die] expire <> come to life expiration ex-pire-ation n.滿期,(期限)終止 n.吐氣 n.斷氣,死亡 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: