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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22513149 最近的天氣還滿舒服的 -------------------------------------------- fracture fract(break)-ure n.骨折 [ the breaking of a bone, cartilage(軟骨;ex.鼻子), or the like,] v.使破裂 [ to cause or to suffer a fracture] fracture <> cement n.水泥 v.黏牢 fragile frag(=fract)-ile(easy to do) adj.易碎的 [Easily broken, damaged, or destroyed; frail.] adj.虛弱的;纖細的 fragment frag(=fract;break)-ment n.碎片 [A small part broken off or detached.] n.未完成部分,或獨立的部分 [An incomplete or isolated portion] ex. extant fragments of an old manuscript. fragrance fragr(smell sweet)-ance n.芬芳;香味 [The state or quality of having a pleasant odor.] n.香水 [A substance, such as a perfume or cologne, designed to emit a pleasant odor.] fragrant fragr(smell sweet)-ant adj.芳香的 [having a pleasant scent or aroma; sweet-smelling] ex. The air in the garden was warm and fragrant. 花園裡的空氣溫煦而又芳香。 review flagrant adj.惡名昭彰的 fragrant adj.芳香的 [把r想成 = rose] frail adj.脆弱的 [Easily broken or destroyed; fragile.] adj.身體虛弱的 [Physically weak; delicate] review flail n.連枷 [有"l"的比較像棒棒] frail a.脆弱的 // frail 延伸出--> friable adj.易脆的 frantic adj.發狂似的 [desperate or wild with excitement, passion, fear, pain, etc.; frenzied(frenzy-ed);delirious.] 什麼時候你會frantic來形容人或事呢, 比方說:支持的隊伍獲得總冠軍,frantic fans激動到跳河 或者,高興到發瘋,害怕到發瘋,疼痛的發瘋時你也可以用frantic這個字來形容 ex.范進中舉 frantic字源:c.1362, "insane," unexplained variant of M.E. frentik (see frenetic). Transf. meaning "affected by wild excitement" is from c.1477. frantic這個字最早的意思是"insane精神錯亂的;瘋狂的",frantic與我們接下來會講的 frenetic是同源的 (補充:如果你已經不會搞混了,就不用看下面的解釋了) fanatic n.狂熱者;盲信者(宗教上的) frantic a.發狂似的 fraud n.詭計;騙局(ex.為了汙錢的騙局) [A deception deliberately practiced in order to secure unfair or unlawful gain.] ex. The authorities took measures to prevent tax fraud. 當局已採取措施防止偷稅漏稅. forgery:counterfeit=embezzlement:fraud 偽造是仿冒=貪污是欺騙 fraudulent fraud-ulent adj.欺詐的,欺騙的 [Engaging in fraud; deceitful.] fraught adj.充滿...的 [Filled with a specified element or elements; charged] ex. She had a life fraught with hardship. 她的一生充滿了艱辛。 fraught的字源:c.1300, "laden" (of vessels), from M.E. fraughten "to load (a ship) with cargo," from fraght "cargo, lading of a ship," var. of freight, infl. by M.Du. vrachten "to load or furnish with cargo," from P.Gmc. *fra-aihtiz (see freight). Figurative sense is first attested 1576. fraught源於M.E. fraughten,意思是"to load (a ship) with cargo 將貨物運上船", fraught與等會要講的freight是同源的 experience fraught with tension <> idyll n.田園生活︰自由自在的經歷 freight n.貨物 [Goods carried by a vessel or vehicle, especially by a commercial carrier; cargo.] v.裝貨於 [To load with goods to be transported.] ex. They freighted the ship with grain. 他們把糧食裝船。 freckle n.雀斑 [one of the small, brownish spots on the skin that are caused by deposition of pigment and that increase in number and darken on exposure to sunlight] ps. fleck n.斑點 [A tiny mark or spot] ex.flecks of mica in the rock. freelancer free-lance(長矛)-er n.自由作家 [A person who sells services to employers without a long-term commitment to any of them.] -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
EcoliR1 :推推推推推 03/07 13:39