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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22688581 ---------------------------------------------- gambol n/v.跳躍,嬉戲 [To run and leap about playfully; frolic.] ex. The lambs are gamboling about in the fields. 小羊在田野裡四處跳躍 review frolic n/v.跳躍,嬉戲 frisk n/v.跳躍,嬉戲 gangway gang-way n.跳板 [ A board or ramp used as a removable footway between a ship and a pier.] drawbridge:castle=gangway:ship 進入城堡要通過可拆卸吊橋=進入船要通過可拆卸跳板 ps. gang n.一幫(歹徒) n.一幫青少年 gape v.打哈欠 [To open the mouth wide; yawn.] v.張口結舌,目瞪口呆 [To stare wonderingly or stupidly, often with the mouth open; gaze] ex. We gaped in amazement at the show. ps. gap n.裂口; 代溝 gape字源:c.1220, from O.N. gapa "to open the mouth, gape," common W.Gmc. (cf. M.Du. gapen, Ger. gaffen), of unknown origin. gape是從古挪威語的gapa來的 garble v.斷章取義;任意竄改 [To mix up or distort to such an extent as to make misleading or incomprehensible] ex. She garbled all the historical facts. ex. Garble story by adding details 添油加醋 音:加嘸?(台語) 加了嗎-->任意竄改;斷章取義 ps. 紅寶書內寫可用Garbo(人名)來背 garble:unintelligible 竄改使無法瞭解的 garbled adj.被混淆的 adj.斷章取義的 gardenia garden-ia n.梔子花 [ a type of large, white, or yellow flower with a very pleasant smell.] ps. 香水的牌子 Chanel Gardenia gargantuan gargantua-n adj.龐大的,巨大的 ps. Gargantua (an amiable giant and king, noted for his enormous capacity for food and drink, in Rabelais' Gargantua and Pantagruel.) Gargantua是為個性溫厚的巨人,同時也是國王,是Rabelair書中的主人公 Rabelais這部的作品是為新興資產階級對封建教會統治發出吶喊;痛快淋淳地批判教會的 虛偽和殘酷,特別痛斥了天主教毒害兒童的經院教育 (如果你想看這本書的話,可以從這邊下載,簡體的) gargoyle n. 滴水嘴獸 from wiki 滴水嘴獸,建築輸水管道噴口終端的一種雕飾。滴水嘴獸,英語 gargoyle 或 gurgoyle ,來自法語 gargouille,原義為「喉」,參見拉丁語 gurgulio,gula。 大多數滴水嘴獸是怪物形狀。傳說墨洛溫王朝克洛塔爾二世的大臣,魯昂(Rouen)主教 St. Romanus(「Romain」,631年 - 641年),曾講述他如何在一個被釋放的囚犯的幫 助下活捉了怪獸 Gargouille,把魯昂從它的威脅中拯救出來。Gargoyle 的怪物形狀據說 能嚇退惡靈,故常用來闢邪。為了紀念 St. Romain,魯昂大主教頒布諭令在聖徒遺物( reliquary,relic)遊行日釋放一名囚犯。 滴水嘴獸這個術語通常應用於中世紀的作品,但這種把水輸上房頂再噴出,而不是由下水 管傳輸的設計方法在各個時代都被會被採用。在埃及,滴水嘴獸可在平頂的神廟見到,它 們被用來噴洗神聖的器皿;在希臘的神廟,房頂的水從大理石或赤陶磚制的獅首噴出;在 龐培城也發現了各式各樣動物頭部的赤陶磚滴水嘴獸。 garish adj.過於艷麗的 [Marked by strident color or excessive ornamentation, gaudy] ex. garish clothes,colours, lights 聯想:gar(花)-ish 字源:1545, possibly from M.E. gawren "to stare," which is of unknown origin, perhaps from O.N. gaurr "rough fellow." garish可能是來自中世紀英文的gawren意思是"to stare 瞪",更早的源頭不明 garnish v.給餐桌上的食物裝飾 [To decorate (prepared food or drink) with small colorful or savory items] ex. garnished the potatoes with parsley(香芹). 聯想:gar(花)-nish 字源:1300-50; ME garnishen < OF garniss- (extended s. of garnir, guarnir to furnish < Gmc) garnish的garn最早的源頭就是"to furnish提供家具"的意思 review ---------------------------------------- *~nish系列 furnish v.供應提供裝備佈置 // furbish v.打掃很久沒用的家具 garnish v.給食物加裝飾 burnish v.擦亮、給金屬拋光 [跟polish意思一樣] polish v.磨光、擦亮 [to make smooth and glossy, esp. by rubbing or friction] tarnish v.失去光澤 varnish v.上清漆 (又叫凡立水,塗後表面會有有光澤的透明膜 ) ---------------------------------------- garment gar-ment n.衣服 [An article of clothing.] ex. This shop sells garments of all kinds. 這家商店銷售各式各樣的衣服。 字源:c.1300, from O.Fr. garnement, from garnir "fit out, provide, adorn" (see garnish). garment與garnish一樣,其中的gar的都有"to furnish, to provide"的意思在 ---------------------------------------- 想成都跟gar花有關 gar-den n.花園 gar-land n.花環 gar-ment n.衣服 [穿上衣服的女人,漂亮似花] gar-ish adj.過於艷麗的= gaudy [-ish結尾是不好的形容詞] ---------------------------------------- garner v.把...儲入穀倉;收藏 [to gather or deposit in or as if in a granary or other storage place.] ex. to garner the grain for winter 音:家納 -->把...儲入穀倉 字源:c.1175, from O.Fr. gernier, metathesized variant of grenier "storehouse, garret(閣樓)," from L. granarium (see granary). garner是從granary穀倉的變化體而來的唷 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: