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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22688565 好久不見 復刊!! ------------------------------------- frustrate v.挫敗;使感到灰心 [To prevent from accomplishing a purpose or fulfilling a desire; thwart] 舉例來說,運動員在終點前滑倒了,他會感到frustrated,,因為他不能達成目標 ex. these questions frustrated me. ps. frustrate v.挫敗;使感到灰心 flustered a.慌張的 [ being nervous or upset.] 例如考試忘了帶准考證, you feel flustered. 聯想:flus(h) + er -->臉紅到慌張了 fulcrum n.支點 [the support, or point of rest, on which a lever turns in moving a body.] ex. Give me a fulcrum on which to rest, and I will move the earth. 給我一個支承的支點,我就會搬到地球。 fulfill full-fill v.履行諾言;完成任務 [ to carry out, or bring to realization] ex. He always fulfills his promises. 他總是履行自己的諾言。 default n.不履行責任 <> fulfill an obligation 履行一個義務 full-blown adj.花盛開的 [Having blossomed or opened completely] ex. full-blown roses. adj.充分發展的 [Fully developed or matured.] ex. The fighting on the border may develop into a full-blown war. 邊境上的戰鬥有可能發展成全面戰爭。 ps. blow v.吹 v.花開 blow blew blown full-bodied adj.酒香濃的;味道濃的 [Having richness and intensity of flavor or aroma] ex.a full-bodied wine. full-fledged adj.羽毛生齊的;成熟的 [Having reached full development; mature.] ex. full-fledged member (擁有全部權利的)正式會員 review fledge v.把小鳥餵到羽毛豐滿或會飛 [To take care of (a young bird) until it is ready to fly.] 聯想:fl(y) + edge fulminate fulmin(strike with lightning)-ate v.大聲發出 [ to explode with a loud noise; detonate] v.大聲斥責 [To issue ( ex. a denunciation) thunderously.] ex. The newspapers fulminate against the crime. 報紙嚴厲譴責這個罪行。 ps. fulminate 雷汞 fulminate:criticize=adulate:flatter 嚴詞譴責是過分批評=諂媚是過分奉承 fulsome full-some adj.過度的, 令人生厭的 [Offensively flattering or insincere] ex. He was too fulsome in his praise. 他的讚美太虛假。 fumble v.笨手笨腳地做 [To touch or handle nervously or idly] v.亂摸;摸索 [To grope awkwardly to find or to accomplish something] ex0 fumble for a key. 棒球術語:fumble 漏接 ---------------------------------------- 粗製濫造系列(==笨手笨腳地做; 搞糟事情) These verbs mean to harm or spoil through inept or clumsy handling: bungle,bumble 用於工作 bungle an interview botch 用於修理 botch a repair blow 用於機會 blow an opportunity fumble 用於機會 fumbled my chance to apologize ---------------------------------------- fume n.煙(有害,濃烈,或難聞的) [Vapor, gas, or smoke, especially if irritating, harmful, or strong.] ex. Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs.(感嘆的氣息) v.薰 v.發怒 [to show fretful irritation or anger] fumigate fume-i-gate v.為消毒用煙燻 [to expose to smoke or fumes, as in disinfecting or exterminating roaches, ants, etc.] functional function-al adj.功能的 [Designed for or adapted to a particular function or use] ex. functional architecture. adj.實用的 [having or serving a utilitarian purpose; capable of serving the purpose for which it was designed] ex. The computer looks compact and functional. 這個計算機看起來小巧而實用. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
pizza740909 :推一個 謝謝X大 03/13 22:17
fliegen :超棒的 謝謝您 03/15 03:47
iverson52000:念完推~~ 03/18 00:40