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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22513138 這一頁滿有趣的 但也花了不少時間呢 --------------------------------------------- figment fig(=fict;feign)-ment n.虛構的事 [ Something invented, made up, or fabricated] ex. a figment of the imagination. ex. Yes. You are a figment of the past! 對,你是過去的幻影! figurative figure-ative adj.象徵的 [Based on or making use of figures of speech; metaphorical] ex. figurative language. ps.1 literal vs. figurative literal 想成字義就照字典翻譯就好了 [words in literal expressions denote what they mean according to common or dictionary usage] figurative 字義會轉化與意示另一層意思 [words in figurative expressions connote additional layers of meaning.] 比方說 sun 如果你把它解釋"太陽"就是literal experssion 如果你把它解釋"希望"就是figurative experssion/figurative language ps. metaphor vs. simile 這兩個字的意思都是比喻的意思,而比喻的意思就是利用AB兩事物的相似性,而拿A事物 來形容B事物 metaphor是隱喻 metaphor 你可以想成A不可能變成B,而拿B來形容A 比方說人不可能變成水,如果你說「水做成的女人」,就用的就是metaphor simile是明喻 simile 當你在使用metaphor時候,很明確說明A、B的關係,例如使用"like","as",這時 稱為simile 比方說你說「女人柔的像水一般」,在這句中很明確的指出女人像水的關係,所以是 simile 來看個綜合的例子 Type Figuratively Literally Metaphor He has a heart of stone. He is totally insensitive. Simile His voice was as sharp as a knife. His voice was very sharp. 更多的資訊參考wiki figurehead n.傀儡領袖 [a person who is head of a group, company, etc., in title but actually has no real authority or responsibility] ex. The mayor is just a figurehead;it's the council that makes all the real decisions. 該市長只不過是個傀儡,市政會才是真正決定一切的。 n.【船】船首像 ps. figur == shape nominal:figurehead=absolute:autocrat 傀儡是有名無實的=獨裁者是絕對的 figurine figur(shape)-ine n.小雕像 [a small ornamental figure of pottery, metal, plastic, etc.; statuette.] -ine: a suffix of adjectives of Greek or Latin origin, meaning 「of or pertaining to,」 「of the nature of,」 「made of,」 「like」: crystalline; equine. -ine字尾,是來自Gk. or L.的一個字尾,它是形容詞字尾。有"屬於"、"有什麼的天性" 、"是由什麼組成的"、"相似"的功能在 file n.文件、檔案 n.銼刀 [a long, narrow tool of steel or other metal having a series of ridges( 脊狀) or points on its surfaces for reducing or smoothing surfaces of metal, wood, etc.] filings file-ing-s n.剉屑 [Filings are very small pieces of a substance, especially a metal, that are produced when it is filed or cut.] ex. iron filings. ex. metal filings. metal:filings=wood:shavings 金屬的剉屑=木料的鉋花 filibuster n/v.以冗長的演說等手法進行阻撓 filibuster來自於荷蘭語的 freebooter,是pirate(海盜)的意思,而現在filibuster的意 思為利用技巧來拖延使法案不通過,大概是由於如果有人使用 filibuster的話,就試著 偷走法案通過的機會之緣故。最早是發生在美國的國會,通常是發生在參議院(Senate), 因為眾議院(House of Representives)人比較多,會限制發言的時間。歷史中歷時最長的 filibuster發生在1957,那時候參議員(Senator) Storm Thurmond 想要拖延Civil Rights的立法,於是Storm Thurmond就站在台上發表他的演說,一講就是24小時又18分鍾 。但是最後Civil Right Act 還是通過了。 filibuster:delay filibuster是種阻礙 filigree fili(thread)-gree(grain結晶) n. 金銀絲細工 [delicate ornamental work of fine silver, gold, or other metal wires, esp. lacy jewelers' work of scrolls and arabesques.] 字源:1693, shortening of filigreen (1668), from Fr. filigrane "filigree," from It. filigrana, from L. filum "thread" + granum "grain." filigree:wire=lace:thread 細絲工藝品用金屬細製成=蕾絲用線製成 filly n.小雌馬 [a young female horse under the age of four .] ps. filly n.小雌馬 colt n.小雄駒 mare n.母馬 [a fully mature female horse or other equine animal.] filter n.濾器 [A porous material through which a liquid or gas is passed in order to separate the fluid from suspended particulate matter.] v.過濾 filth 是foul的變型 n.骯髒;污物 [ offensive or disgusting dirt or refuse; foul matter] ex. the filth dumped into our rivers. ex. Go and wash that filth off your hands. 去把你手上的髒東西洗掉。 n.猥褻;髒話,下流話 [vulgar or obscene language or thought.] filch v.偷 [由指偷不重要的小東西] [ c 想成是catch] filth n.骯髒的 [ t 想成是trash] finale final-e(義大語的尾) n.[義] 終曲;結尾(多用於音樂上) [ the last piece, division, or movement of a concert, opera, or composition.] finale <> open scene 開幕 "Amazing Juggling(戲法) Finale" finesse fine-sse(ice) n.精巧的技巧 [extreme delicacy or subtlety in action, performance, skill, discrimination, taste,] n.精敏的手段 [skill in handling a difficult or highly sensitive situation; adroit and artful management] ex. exceptional diplomatic finesse. ex.Paul played the sonata with great finesse. 保羅以豐富的技巧彈奏了這部奏鳴曲。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: