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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22513148 希望把背單字也能變成一件能快樂的事情 ----------------------------------------------- fortuitous fort(chance)-u-itous [itous = ity-ous] adj.偶然的 [Happening by accident or chance] adj.幸運的 [lucky; fortunate] ps.1 fortune n.幸運 n.財富 1250–1300; ME < OF < L fortūna chance, luck, fortune, deriv. of fort- (s. of fors) chance fortune 來自拉丁的 fortūna,其中fort就是"chance"的意思 ps.2 Usage Note: In its best-established sense, fortuitous means "happening by accident or chance." Thus, a fortuitous meeting may have either fortunate or unfortunate consequences. For decades, however, the word has often been used in reference to happy accidents. fortuitous最好的釋義是"偶然的",因此fortuitous可以指"幸運的"也可指"不幸運的" ,不過今日大家都常用來指"幸運的" forum n.公開討論的場所 [A public meeting place for open discussion.] ex. They are holding a forum on juvenile delinquency. 他們正舉行一個有關青少年犯罪的討論會。 n.論壇 ps.1 forum原來是"古羅馬城鎮的廣場" the marketplace or public square of an ancient Roman city, the center of judicial and business affairs and a place of assembly for the people. ps.2 forensic [forum-ensis] adj.辯論的 adj.法院的 音:佛人死一個 forward for(e)-ward adv.向前地 [ toward or at a place, point, or time in advance] adj.前面的 adj.魯莽的,冒失的 [Lacking restraint or modesty; presumptuous or bold] ex. a forward remark, a forward child n.前鋒 ex.PF = power forward fosse foss-e n.城壕,護城河 [a moat or defensive ditch in a fortification, usually filled with water.] ps.1 fosse字源:"ditch, trench," 1440, from O.Fr. fosse, from L. fossa "ditch," in full fossa terra, lit. "dug earth," from fem. pp. of fodere "to dig" fosse的"foss"在拉丁文中指的是"dig挖"的意思,所以fosse指ditch溝 ps.2 fossil 字源:1619, "obtained by digging" (adj.), from Fr. fossile, from L. fossilis "dug up," from fossus, pp. of fodere "to dig," fossil是只從digging中得到的,就是指化石的意思 紅寶書上說foss==石頭,雖然也是不錯的記憶法,但卻不是正確的解釋 fossilize fossil(n.化石)-ize v.成化石 [to convert into a fossil; replace organic with mineral substances in the remains of an organism.] v.變陳腐 [To make outmoded or inflexible with time; antiquate.] foster v.養育(也可當領養) [ to promote the growth or development of; further; encourage] ex. to foster new ideas. ex.阿信收養小初 adj.收養的 [Providing parental care and nurture to children not related through legal or blood ties] ex. foster parents; foster grandparents; a foster home. foul adj.骯髒的 [Full of dirt or mud; dirty] adj.邪惡的 [Morally detestable; wicked] n.比賽中的犯規 founder found-er n.創立者 ex.He is the founder of the club v.船浸水而沈沒 [ (of a ship, boat, etc.) to fill with water and sink.] ex. The ship foundered in the heavy seas. v.計劃、事業等失敗 [ to become wrecked; fail utterly] ex. The project foundered because public support was lacking. ps.1 found [有bottom, base之意] v.建立、創辦 [ to set up or establish on a firm basis or for enduring existence] ex. to found a new publishing company. foundation n.建立,創辦 n.基礎 n.基金會 ps.2 flounder v.掙扎 n.比目魚 flo(w) + under 在下面流動-->掙扎 f.ounder v.計劃、事業等失敗 n.創立者 four-poster n.有四根帷柱的床 [A bed having tall corner posts originally intended to support curtains or a canopy.] four-poster:bed=convertible:automobile 四柱床是頂棚可拆床=敞篷車是頂棚可拆車 foyer n.門廳,候見室 [the lobby of a theater, hotel, or apartment house.] ex. I' ll meet you in the foyer at 7 o' clock. 我七點鍾和你在門廳見面 音:為了爺兒-->為了找爺兒,在門廳等候 fracas fra-cas n.吵鬧;騷亂(ex.大吵大鬧,打架亂事) [a noisy, disorderly disturbance or fight; riotous brawl; uproar.] ex. The police were called in to break up (ie stop) the fracas. 警察奉命去制止騷亂. 字源:1720-30; < F < It fracasso, deriv. of fracassare to smash, equiv. to fra- (< L infrā among) completely + cassare to break; see cassation fracas的字根是比較少用的字根,看看有印象就好,意思是fra-(completely完全地 )-cas(break) fraction fract(break)-ion n.小部分 [ a part as distinct from the whole of anything; fragment] ex. He has done only a fraction of his homework. 他只做了家庭作業的一小部分。 n.【數】分數 fractious fract(break)-i-ous [為了一點點小碎片就生氣了] adj.易怒的 [Having a peevish nature; become upset or angry very quickly about small unimportant things; cranky.] adj.難以對待的 [Inclined to make trouble; unruly.] ex. a fractious animal that would not submit to the harness. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
pizza740909 :推 03/05 19:57
onizuka2111 :謝謝 03/07 23:40