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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22513144 to overcome difficulties ------------------------------------------------ fluvial fluv(flow;river)-ial adj.河流的 [ of or pertaining to a river] ex. fluvial plain 河成平原 ex. fluvial geomorphology 河流地貌學 adj.生在河中的 [Of, relating to, or inhabiting a river or stream.] flux fluc(flow)-t [ps. ct-->x] n.流出 [ a flowing or flow.] n.[物]通量 ex.磁通量、電通量 foil v.挫敗 [To prevent from being successful; thwart.] ex. Loyal troops foiled his attempt to overthrow the government n.箔,金屬薄片 [ metal in the form of very thin sheets] [這個字義是由foil是由 foli葉子而來的] ex. aluminum foil. ps. Rutherford的實驗就是利用alpha particle來撞foil唷(像gold, silver) n.(練劍術用的)鈍頭劍 foible n.性格上的小缺點 [ a minor weakness or failing of character; slight flaw or defect] n.弱點 n.鈍鈍的劍尖到中部的範圍 [the weaker part of a sword blade, between the middle and the point (opposed to forte ).] ps. forte n.長處 n.【音】強音記號 forte 從法文的strength而來的 在fencing(劍術)中指的是"strong" part of the blade"劍身中強韌的部分,簡單的說就 是劍的中部到底部的範圍,而foible指的是鈍鈍的劍尖到中部的範圍 foible:flaw 小缺點對缺點 fold v.摺疊 [To bend over or double up so that one part lies on another part] ex. fold a sheet of paper. n.羊欄 [A fenced enclosure for domestic animals, especially sheep.] folder fold-er n.資料夾 folder:papers=drawer:clothing 文件夾用來放文件=抽屜用來放衣服 foliage foli(leaf)-age n.葉子(集合名詞) [the leaves of a plant, collectively] ps. portfolio [port-foli-o] n.公事包、投資組合 folklore folk-lore n.民間傳說 [The traditional beliefs, myths, tales, and practices of a people, transmitted orally.] ex.諸葛亮 is a synonym for wisdom in folklore. 諸葛亮在民間傳說中成了智慧的代名詞 ex.馬祖傳說 ps.1 folklore is coined by English scholar and antiquary William John Thoms (1803– 85) ps.2 lore n. (有關某一學科的)全部知識;傳說 ex. ghost lore 鬼怪傳說 ex. forest lore 關於森林的知識 folly fol(fool)-y n.愚蠢 [the state or quality of being foolish] ex. He will suffer for his folly. 他會因自己的蠢行而受到懲罰 foment v.煽動 [try to stir up public opinion] ex. foment discontent 挑起不滿 v.熱敷 disseminate:information=foment:discontentment 傳播使消息擴散=煽動使不滿擴散 ps.1 foment 與 ferment意思還滿像的,但是細節的概念上是不太一樣的 foment是挑起、煽動的意思,有特意去製造的意味在 ferment是指騷動,較像是時間到了或條件達成了就自然發生了 ps.2 ferment ferm(=ferv;start boiling)-ent n.使發酵的東西 [Something, such as a yeast, bacterium, mold, or enzyme, that causes fermentation.] n.發酵、騷動 [A state of agitation or of turbulent change or development.] ex. The country was in ferment. 那個國家處於動亂中。 v.發酵 v.醞釀,使騷動 foodstuff food-stuff(原料、填充物) n.食料;食品 [A substance that can be used or prepared for use as food.] foolproof fool-proof adj.防呆的 [Designed so as to be impervious(不能滲透的;不受影響的) to human incompetence, error, or misuse] ex. a foolproof safety lock. foppish fop-ish adj. 舉止像花花公子的 [foppish preson dresses in beautiful, expensive clothes and is very proud of his appearance.] ps. fop n.花花公子(外貿協會的人) dandy n.好時髦的男子;花花公子 [a man who is excessively concerned about his clothes and appearance; a fop.] -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
peterluo :推!! 03/02 21:54
iverson52000:念完推 03/03 16:30
smallcan930 :推^^ 03/04 22:47