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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22688586 就在昨天亂動了flickr的設定一下 結果花了四小時 重新上傳圖片+排版... ----------------------------------------- garrulity n.多嘴; 話過多 [Excessive talkativeness; loquaciousness.] 音: ga ga ru ru 的一直說話 garrulous adj.多嘴的; 話過多的 [Given to excessive and often trivial or rambling talk; tiresomely talkative.] ex. Old men are garrulous by nature. 老人的本性使他們絮絮叨叨 字源:1605-15; < L garrulus talkative, garrulous, equiv. to garr(īre) to chatter + -ulus -ulous gaseous gas-eous adj.氣體的 [existing in the state of a gas] ex. Liquid or gaseous fuels 液體或氣體燃料 adj.無實質的 [Lacking substance or concreteness; tenuous or indefinite.] ps. 字尾-eous: an adjectival suffix with the meanings 「composed of,」 「 resembling, having the nature of,」 occurring in loanwords from Latin (igneous; ligneous; vitreous) gasification gas-ification [ify-ice-ation] n.氣化 gash n.深長的傷口 [a long, deep wound or cut; slash.] ex. The deep gash in his arm would take weeks to heal over. 他胳膊上的割傷很深,需要幾個星期的時間才能痊癒 gash n.深長的傷口 gush v.噴湧而出 (u字型像噴湧口) 有深長的傷口(gash),血就會噴湧(gush)而出 cleft:chasm=cut:gash 裂口對深坑=切口對深傷口 gaucherie gauche-rie(=ery) n.笨拙的舉動 [ lack of social grace, sensitivity, or acuteness; awkwardness] ps. gauche adj.笨拙的 [lacking social grace, sensitivity, or acuteness; awkward] ex. Their exquisite manners always make me feel gauche. 字源:French, awkward, lefthanded, from Old French, from gauchir, to turn aside, walk clumsily, of Germanic origin.] gauche 原為法文的左手、笨拙的意思 gauche <> polished adj.擦亮的;優美的 gaudy n.炫耀的; 俗氣的 [Showy in a tasteless or vulgar way; garish] 音:高低 -->穿著高高低低不搭的衣服-->炫耀的; 俗氣的 gauge n.標準規格 [a standard of measure] ex. The amount of money one makes is not the only gauge of one's success. n.測量儀器 [any device or instrument for measuring] ex. pressure gauge v.量,測 gauge n.標準規格 gouge v.敲竹槓[欺詐或勒索的大量的金錢] n.半圓鑿 有標準規格(gauge )後,就不會發生敲竹槓(gouge)的案例 gauge:pressure=scale:weight 測量儀用來測量壓力=天平用來測量重量 gavel n.小木槌(judge法官、auctioneer拍賣用的) [ a small mallet used by the presiding officer of a meeting, a judge, auctioneer etc., usually to signal for attention or order.] ex. The chairman rapped on the table twice with his gavel. 主席用他的小木槌在桌上重敲了兩下。 聯想:gave給,l --> 從上到下的一下在空中畫出的曲線 ps. gave give的過去式 gavel n.小木槌(法官、拍賣用的) [gave給,l ( 從上到下的一下在空中畫出的曲線 )] gravel n.砂礫 gaze n/v.凝視 [To look steadily, intently, and with fixed attention.] ex. She turned to gaze admiringly at her husband. gazetteer n.地名辭典 [a geographical dictionary.] ps. world gazetteer網站上關於Taipei的描述 聯想:gaze著gazetter發現有好多地方沒有去過,留下tear gear n.齒輪 [A toothed machine part, such as a wheel or cylinder, that meshes with another toothed part to transmit motion or to change speed or direction.] n.車的排檔 [A transmission configuration for a specific ratio of engine to axle torque in a motor vehicle.] 字源:Middle English gere, equipment, from Old Norse gervi; akin to gera, to do, make, make ready. gear:tooth=screw:thread 齒輪上有齒=螺絲釘上有螺紋 gem n.寶石 [ a cut and polished precious stone or pearl fine enough for use in jewelry.] ps.最大的鑽石 gene n.基因 [the basic physical unit of heredity; a linear sequence of nucleotides along a segment of DNA ] 字源1911; < G Gen (1909), appar. abstracted from -gen -gen; introduced by Danish geneticist(遺傳學家) Wilhelm L. Johannsen (1857-1927) gene來自於希臘的字根gen"生"的意思,而gene這個字是由荷蘭的遺傳學家Wilhelm L. Johannsen所帶出的 genealogy gene-alogy(ology) n.家系, 世系 [A record or table of the descent of a person, family, or group from an ancestor or ancestors; a family tree.] ps. see wiki general adj.一般的,普遍的 [Concerned with, applicable to, or affecting the whole or every member of a class or category] ex. a general magazine. ex. a matter of general anxiety. n.將軍 字源:c.1300 (implied in generally), from L. generalis "relating to all, of a whole class" (contrasted with specialis), from genus (gen. generis) "stock, kind" (see genus). Noun sense of "commander of an army" is 1576 shortening of captain general, from M.Fr. capitaine général. general,當然與字根gen有關囉,它的最源頭就是來自於genus(種類;等等我們會提到), 而general就是只"relating to all genus的意思",將軍的意思是後來才發展出來的。 generality general-ity n.概括的表述(就是通通都有的概括性說法) [ an indefinite, unspecific, or undetailed statement] ex. to speak in generalities about human rights. n.大多數 ex. The generality of students work hard. 大多數的學生努力用功。 generalize general-ize v.概括;歸納(找出共同的原則) [To reduce to a general form, class, or law;To draw inferences or a general conclusion from.] ex. to generalize from a large collection of data 從一大堆資料中概括地歸納出結論 ex. 比方說,你看到今天看到日本人很有禮貌,昨天也是看到日本人很有禮貌,於是你 generalize a conclusion that 日本人很有禮貌 generate gener-ate v.產生 [To bring into being; give rise to] ex. A dynamo is used to generate electricity. 發電機用於發電。 v.生育,生殖 [To engender (offspring); procreate.] ps. generative [gener-ative] adj.有生殖力的 ex. the generative power of the sun generic [gener-ic] adj.種屬的 ---------------------------------------- genus n.種屬 (Dogs, wolves belong to the same genus.) gene.ric adj.種屬的 [form genus] gene.tic adj.基因的 [from gene] -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: xination 來自: (03/16 15:26)