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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/22513154 ...我明天可以休刊嗎 -------------------------------------------------- frond n.蕨類的葉 [The leaf of a fern.] n.藻體 [A leaflike thallus(菌體), as of a seaweed or lichen(地衣).] frond:fern=needle:pine 複葉是蕨類植物的葉子=針葉是松樹植物的葉子 ps. front adj.前面的 frond froth n.泡沫 [A mass of bubbles in or on a liquid; foam.] ex. a glass of bear with a lot of froth on it 一杯有許多泡沫的啤酒 ps. froth n.泡沫 forth adv.向前 frothy froth-y adj.泡沫的 [of, like, or having froth; foamy.] adj.淺薄的 [ unsubstantial; trifling; shallow; empty.] ex. a novel written in a frothy style 筆調輕浮的小說. frothy <> weighty adj.重的;嚴肅認真的 frugal adj.節約的,儉樸的(好的詞彙) [economical in use or expenditure] ex. a frugal manager. 音:腐乳過日 reveiw 之前的整理 sparing adj.節儉的 [from spare v.騰出時間,人手 v.節約,省用] frugal adj.節儉的 [ frug(profit)-al, ex. fruit。原意從useful到economical] thrifty adj.節儉的 [ thrift(from thrive)-y。原意habit of saving] parsimonious adj.節儉的 [pars(spare;save)-i-mony] skimp v.節省花費 (ex.skimp money for food to meet the rent) stint v.節制(尤指食物) (還有其他的字義) grudge v.勉強給某物 begrude v.勉強給某物 fruition fruit-ion n.結果實 n.實現 [ Realization of something desired or worked for; accomplishment] ex. labor finally coming to fruition. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: xination 來自: (03/05 21:38)
sovereignty :要不要先休息幾天? 03/05 22:34
fatfinger :休息一下啊!!! 03/06 00:13
jack2030 :休息是為了走更長遠的路 03/06 10:29
medbiotec :不知不覺竟然追上進度了..有看有推..感謝X大 03/06 17:12
murmuring :非常感謝X大,您辛苦了(鞠~) 03/07 07:39
danieljun :好久沒上來了 看到X大 倍感親切哩 加油! 03/08 19:39